15. Disappearance

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A/N This story refers to PTSD and panic attacks, please skip if you think you may find it triggering.

(999 words)

Draco looks across the Great Hall at the end of his DADA practical exam and watches as the elderly examiner at the 'Boggart station' unlatches the cupboard door for Potter.

They're all watching. They've all finished and must wait to leave the hall together. Potter's only delayed because each examiner wanted to talk to the famous Chosen One; they all want their piece of the Saviour.

For a moment, there is nothing.

Later, Draco's thankful he'd finished at his station. He's thankful it was the last exam.

Later, they agreed that they didn't even see the Boggart emerge.

Draco's suddenly aware of a velvety darkness drowning the hall. There's a large simmering cauldron sending out bright diamond sparks. Out of the cauldron's midst rises a tall skeletally-thin figure.

Draco holds his breath.

The hall is held in icy terror as Voldemort drifts upwards, robes swirling. A bony finger points at Potter and he speaks. Draco shudders to hear his terrifying voice once more as it hisses and curls around them: 'I am risen again, resurrected to be greater and more terrible...'

It's a devastating realisation that the first time Potter experienced this he was only fourteen years old.

Potter, though deathly pale, raises his wand quickly and with quiet determination says 'Ridikulus'. Voldemort is transformed. He's wearing a diamond-patterned harlequin unitard with a huge white ruff about his neck and a black mask which keeps slipping because he has no nose to hold it in place. There's nervous laughter and the boggart struggles but Potter's stronger and it's whipped back into its cupboard. The hall lightens again.

Potter strides forward and latches the cupboard firmly. He thumps the door hard, splintering wood into his knuckles. He doesn't wait to be formally dismissed, instead he Disapparates, ripping through the Hogwarts' Wards, leaving behind a stunned stillness amongst the ringing alarms and Aurors appearing in all directions.

The shocked examiner is helped to a chair, the others are straight-lipped and silent, the students are ushered by McGonagall into another room where they're offered hot chocolate and the opportunity to talk about what they've witnessed. Nothing is said of Potter's disappearance apart from that they know he's safe and he's being given time. Hermione's crying and a pale wide-eyed Ron comforts her, they want to go to him but McGonagall refuses.

Potter's gone a week. Valpus too.

Draco's amazed at how much he misses Potter and is worried, despite being told time and time again he's safe. It's funny how their relationship has changed. He understands what good friends they've become and he wishes it had happened sooner; it feels like finding a missing link - that's gone again. He wants to talk to him. Their banter is easy, sometimes teasing, but this is much more serious. They have carefully avoided talking about Voldemort, although they have talked about Draco's lack of choice taking the Mark; about Draco being scared stupid; about how Lucius was a prick but Draco still loved him.

Draco hears Potter's back before he sees him. Ernie says that he's turned up on a big black motorbike and has been ensconced in Hermione's bedroom for two hours. Draco doesn't know what to do with his emotions. He knows, deep down, he's jealous but there's nothing he can do, he can't exactly barge in and demand to be included. He knows Ron only perseveres him for Potter's sake, though this week he has been openly friendlier.

All he can do is wait, nervously petting Pickle who grabs Draco's fingers playfully with little needle-like claws. Princess has disappeared and Draco knows she has already found Potter. She's unfaithfully open in her adoration of him.

Even Pickle wanders off and Draco can't wait any longer. Both Hermione and Ron are in the Common Room and there's no sign of Potter. He slips out unseen and on the opposite side of the corridor sits Pickle, cleaning himself. He looks at Draco impatiently and stands up. Behind him is a door, one that's not normally there. Draco's across the corridor and wrenching it open so quickly that Pickle mewls at him in complaint before slinking inside the cupboard.

Potter is leaning against the wall languidly, he looks emotionless. Soft small lights float around the space.

'I wondered if you'd come,' he sounds insecure.

Draco's not sure who moves first but suddenly they are both hugging. He grips Potter tight, like he doesn't want to ever let go, until Potter slaps him on the back manfully and immediately it's awkward so they both step away.

Potter sinks cross-legged onto the floor. Princess is immediately climbing onto his lap and even Pickle is rubbing up against him.

'Traitors!' Draco says light-heartedly and sits down facing Potter.

He is noticeably thinner, and tanned, and has a scrub of dark hair over his chin. His green eyes have dark circles around them.

'What happened?' Draco asks softly.

'What, after I took out my emotions on a cupboard door and then felt the desperate need to escape? They assure me I haven't failed my Defence N.E.W.T. after that little performance.'

'I should think not, Peanut said she saw a shaky red "O" on the clipboard. Pomfrey had to give them all calming potions.'

'I should have stuck around for one of those.'

Draco nervously takes his hand, inspecting his knuckles; they're scarred. 'Where did you go?'

'To Shell Cottage, to Bill's. When I arrived, I couldn't speak. I couldn't catch my breath, everything felt tight, like it was pulling me inwards on myself. I was lucky I didn't splinch myself. Bill contacted Minerva immediately. It seems they've been waiting for me to have some sort of reaction to the war and everything that's happened. Certain measures were put in place. They sent a mind-healer.' Potter shrugs. 'I think this part of the journey's only just begun but its helped.'

Draco nods slowly. He wonders how much, seeing as Potter's back in his cupboard, the place where he feels safe.


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