8: Shot to The Heart

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-Kaycee's POV-

To say that today was and emotional rollercoaster that wasn't even the simple term. It was draining me quickly and I was done with the day. "Come on Ricebowl everyone is worried" he picked me up from the floor and I hopped on his back. "She's fine" was the first thing he said as he put me on the couch. "You sure she looks pale" Chloe put her hand on my forehead and I smiled at her. "She's just tired and confused and wants to sleep" Sean sat next to me and turned on the T.V. "Friends?" I asked him and he nodded. "That's my cue to leave" Sarah ran and we all laughed at her. "I'll get the popcorn and I'll make steamed milk" I said and stood up and left. While I was gathering everything the T.V. hadn't started playing yet so I was just casually listening to everyone's conversation. "You are just going to let her do all that stuff looking like that?" Devon glared at Sean. "She's been living like this for 4 years trying to stop her will only make her want to do it more trust me my parents have tried" Sean defended himself. I walked back to my friends and handed Sean the popcorn we always share and gave everyone else steamed milk. I sat back down took a sip of Sean's milk and took pieces of popcorn and everyone stared at me. "What?" I asked them and they just stared at me. "Sean never shares his steamed milk or popcorn with anyone" Tate looked astonished. "That's cause you guys don't appreciate it like  we do" Sean turned on the T.V and we kept eating. 

"How many more I don't think I can stay up anymore" Tate snuggled further into her blanket. "We usually stay up for like three more episodes but I guess we can sleep" I said and laid on the sofa. "You know you have a room right?" Chloe laughed at me. "I know but Sean and Tate can use the bed you and Julian can have the pull out I'll sleep out here before any of you guys I'll be fine" I directed the last part at Sean. He gave me one last look and took everyone to our room. I snuggled on the couch. I realized I forgot a blanket since I gave it to Tate. My option was either to freeze or wake everyone up. Well I'm gonna freeze.

-The Next Day-

I got probably 5 hours of sleep. So to say I was cranky was very very true. "Good morning Kayc!" Sean and Tate came hopping down the stairs and I groaned at them. "Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" Sean walked over to me. "More like I got zero sleep plus Devon was snoring so loud" I turned to face him. "That was Devon! I thought someone was plowing the snow out of our driveway!" Sean exclaimed and I laughed at him. "Well get some sleep okay?" he kissed my forehead and nodded no. "And why is that?" he looked at me. "Mainly because we got people to take care of" I told him and stood up. "If you don't mind I'm going to go change into something warm and cozy" I got up and walked to my room. I saw Chloe and Julian still asleep so I gently tip toed to my closet and pulled out leggings and a really thick sweatshirt. I tip toes back across the room but tripped over Julian's bag. I was preparing to hit my butt on the floor but I never actually hit the floor. "I told you I'll always take care of you" I heard a voice behind me and I already knew who it was. "Thank you" I smiled at him and dusted myself off. "It's Julian's fault though he left his bag on the floor and how did you know I was falling?" I ask Sean and he shrugged. "I don't really know one minute I'm making everyone breakfast the next thing I know I knew you were falling so I ran here" he told me and I laughed. "We are showing our friends the video today right?" I asked him and he nodded. "They'll like it I'm sure of it!" I hugged him and we stayed like that for a while. "You know you are going to have to take credit for some of it some day" he put his head on my head and I shook my head. "If we do that I know for a fact they won't like it" I sighed. "You sound so defeated" he pulled apart from the hug. "I do feel so defeated" I sat on my bed. "Why Kayc what's wrong?" he sat down next to me and looked me straight in the eyes. "Nothing exactly but it seems that no matter how much I try nothing every is good enough" I sighed as I told him the truth about Gabe. "Oh Kayc nothing you do will ever satisfy him nothing does it's just the type of person he is" Sean hugged me. Funny considering I never mentioned anyone but I just let it go and gave into the hug. "Nothing ever satisfies that guy no matter who he's with what he's doing nothing is ever enough for him and for you to be doubting yourself because of him is honestly stupid" Sean said to me and pulled out ten dollars. "Thanks" I smiled at him and took the money. "Okay now that you two are done we want breakfast" Julian sat up. "Julian!" Chloe yelled and hit him with her hand. "It's okay guys let's go eat" I laughed and got up.

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