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"Kookie!?!". Jimin bust in his brother's room and saw Jungkook looking at him with big eyes. "Guess what!?!". Jimin jumps on the bed. "I kissed Yoongi!". Jimin smiles widely. Jungkook quickly grabbed his notepad.

"You're lying!".

Jimin giggles and shakes his head. "Nope! I did it!". Jimin said and Jungkook starts jumping on the bed. "I know!". Jimin started to squeal.

"You're growing up so fast".

Jungkook wipes a fake tear away and Jimin laughed. "You should have been there Kookie, it was magical". Jimin sighs lovingly.

"I can't believe he let you kiss him".

Jimin rubs his neck and darts his eyes across the room.

"You just kissed him out of the blue, didn't you?".

"Yes, but I can explain". Jimin said and Jungkook crosses his arms. "I wanted to". Jimin said and Jungkook starts beating him with his notepad. "Hey stop it!". Jimin yells, shielding his self.

"Consent is a must! Everybody knows that!".

"I-I'm sorry!". Jimin whined.


"I would never!". Jimin shouted and Jungkook scoffs.

"I can see past your lies Jimin".

"You're not a very good friend or brother". Jimin pouts and Jungkook let's out a little chuckled. "Boys? Are you both alright?". They turned to the door and gasped. Jungkook played dead and Jimin rushed to get a book. "And then, when the Prince realized that Yuna was the one... They got married and lived happily ever after".

Jimin turns to the door seeing his mother standing there. "Oh? Hello mother". Jimin smiles. "I'm sorry if you were calling me, I just wanted to read Kookie a story". Jimin said. "That's so cute!". Jin says crying. "Mother, he just closed his eyes". Jimin said. "Sorry". Jin whispered.

"I'll go". Jin closed the door and the boys high fived each other. "He's going to kill us for that you know". Jimin said.

"Oh absolutely".

Chosen (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now