Chapter 17

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<<<Alexandra Black>>>

Bad news comes in threes. The first came in the form of a jack rabbit.

The morning after the World Cup, I awoke to a bright light filling the hotel room. A silver glow bathed the walls, making me squint at the bright source. Sirius awoke at the sight too, his black ears picked up at the sight and he let out a long, toothy yawn. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized it was a jack rabbit Patronus belonging to Tonks. The rabbit shook its fur, sending seawater and sand all over the bed.

"Hi, Lexi," the jack rabbit spoke in Tonks' voice. She sounded rather nervous. "I hope this message finds you and your boyfriend well."

Sirius had changed out of his Animagus form now and raised an eyebrow at me. My stomach started to feel queasy. The rabbit twitched its nose before speaking again.

"I wanted to be the first one to tell you about events at the Quidditch World Cup."

My blood ran cold. Sirius and I locked eyes.

"After the match, there was a sort of gruesome display... A riot, perhaps, in the campground. A group of Death Eaters levitated and messed around with some Muggles on the premises. There were fires and destruction of property... I think it was a scare tactic. It was quite disturbing. We... cannot tell at the time if they were actual Death Eaters or if they were playing the part in some kind of sick joke... They got away."

Tonks sounded like she winced. I wondered if she was a part of the group of Aurors surveilling the World Cup.

"But the display got worse. Someone cast the Dark Mark."

A shudder traveled down my spine. After all these years, the image of the Dark Mark was still seared in my brain. I would never forget the way it looked against the inky sky, hanging over my brother's house after his murder. My mind couldn't help but wonder if there was a murder at the World Cup and if that murder somehow included my children.

"We are still in the process of figuring out what happened, but I wanted to give you the facts before Rita Skeeter's bogus article circulates. I'm telling you, that woman is one-"

Tonks started swearing and using more colorful words than I'd used to describe Umbridge.

"But I wanted to warn you, Lexi. I know you were heavily involved in the fight against You-Know-Who. People are starting to talk again. There are whispers that he is rising to power. There is even talk that Sirius Black was the one who led the riot." Sirius let out one loud, bark of a laugh. "We may need your help here. Remus and I are worried about what may come in the next few months. Will you consider coming home soon?"

My stomach still turned in knots. I hurried for my wand, ready to send a Patronus message to Cassie and Regulus, before the rabbit spoke one last time.

"I suppose I should have led with the fact that Cassie, Regulus, and Harry are all safe with the Weasleys," Tonks said with a weak laugh, as if the statement were an afterthought. I let out a sigh of relief. "They will soon be back at Hogwarts under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore. Talk soon!"

The rabbit hopped around one last time before dissipating in a wisp of silver smoke.

"Should we end our vacation early?" I asked Sirius nervously. Dread started to fill my mind. I suddenly felt myself wishing I was oblivious to current events.

"Tonks is right, the kids will be with Dumbledore soon. There's not much more we can do for them if we are in Europe or if we are here. Perhaps we wait for more news, enjoy the calm before the storm while we can," Sirius suggested. He didn't look or sound convinced at his words. 

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