Recreation Chapter 17: Trust Issues

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Fade in to Simmons entering Red Base to join Donut and Lopez

Simmons: Okay here's the plan: We run straight for Blue Base. Keep your heads up, and stay in formation. Lopez, you take the lead.

Lopez: Porqué tengo que llevar?

Caption: Why do I have to be in front?

Simmons: Exactly. I'll follow you, Lopez.

Donut: I'll handle your rears.

Simmons: Okay, change of plan. I'll be last, Lopez, you still go out in front.

Lopez: Por supuesto.

Caption: Of course I'm in front.

Simmons: Donut, you be in the middle.

Donut: It'll be a Donut sandwich. Mm-mm.

Simmons: Dammit Donut, you can ruin anything.

They turn and just run in random formation up the hill

Simmons: Do you see anything?

Lopez: Si viera algo, estaría tirándolo, dumbass.

Caption: If I saw something, I would be shooting, dumbass.

Simmons: Well keep your eyes open then.

Lopez: Porque usted me hace preguntas si usted nunca entiende las respuestas?

Caption: Why do you guys always ask me questions if you never understand the answers?

Simmons: He's white Lopez. God, we've been over this.

Lopez: Dios mío.

Caption: Goddamn it.

Donut: Simmons- I'm scared.

Simmons: It's okay. We're all scared, Donut.

Lopez: Mí no asusta. Hice respaldos de mí.

Caption: I'm not scared. I made back ups of myself this morning.

Cut to the cave

Caboose: Church, wait.

Sarge: I knew it, this was a trap!

Grif: What's a trap?

Sarge: Don't you see, Grif? The Blues now have an advantage over us.

Grif: What, you mean they have a decent leader?

Sarge: No, I mean they have three people and we only have two. Approximately.

Grif: You honestly believe that the Blues orchestrated all of this to get a one man advantage.

Sarge: Of course. They've been leading us along this entire time! It was all a diabolical scheme to get the drop on us! We just didn't see it until now. Because it was so cunningly crafted.

Grif: We're talking about the same Blues here, right, there's not some, other group of Blues that I haven't heard of?

Sarge: Of course not!

Grif: H-yeah, then no, you're wrong. The new dude, he's a floating ball. I don't think he even counts as a person.

Sarge: Exactly. He's a wild card. We don't even know what he's capable of.

Grif: He's a ball. He's capable of rolling. And maybe bouncing.


Sarge: Peter Paul and Ringo, what the heck was that?

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