11 Soulmate

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A/n: This oneshot is based off a popular tiktok pov trend! I wanted to make one with Varian, feel free to play the video for background music for an extra tiktok pov feel.

First person pov

You woke up, remembering that it was your 16th birthday. Let me explain: On everyone's 16th birthday, they are given the ability to communicate with their soulmate telepathically until they meet them in person. It starts with whoever's birthday is first, which happened to be you.

You can still keep your thoughts to yourself if you want and communicate through choice.
See, There's a small space between talking and thinking where telepathic communication goes.

You hesitate for a second. 'Hello?' you ask hesitantly.

'AH! What was- oh wait are you my...soulmate?' you hear a voice say back.

you smile excitedly and jump around. 'Yeah! that's me!'

'Well then, Happy birthday soulmate.' the voice said back awkwardly.

'How can you manage to sound awkward while thinking?' you thought to yourself.

'Hey! I heard that,' the voice said back.

'Oop, sorry.'


'Omg, this question is hard,' you think massaging your temple. 'I'm going to fail, oh god,' you think to your soulmate.

'Uh, well, I'm home sick, so I could look up the answers if you want!' he responded sweetly. Your eyes slightly light up. 'I sooo owe you!'

'You're sweet, but no it's okay! It's the least I could do!'


'I had a horrible day today,' you thought to the boy, crying in your bed.

'I'm sorry to hear that, wanna talk about it?' he said back kindly.

'Yes, yes please.'


'Okay, so I'm at the store right now and I don't know what to get,' the boy thought to you.

You thought for a second. 'I really REALLY like hot chocolate, you should get that.'

'Okay...wait I can't reach it,' he said annoyed.

'Oh really? How y'all are you?'

It was about 15 seconds before you got his response. '...5'3'


'You won't believe what happened!' you think to your soulmate holding up a pair of goggles.

'what happened?' he asked. It sounded like he was worried or looking for something.

'At park I was at, I found a pair of science goggles. They're so freaking cool!' you say, putting them on your head.

There was a silence and he gasped.

'What do the goggles look like?'

'They're big, yellow around the frame, brown everywhere else, and the frame is blue, why?' you asked confused.

'I lost my goggles at my local park earlier today and I'm trying to find them as we speak. You just explained...my goggles,' he responded frantically.

'wait do you mean, we're in the same area?!' you exclaimed, as much as you could in your head.

'Yeah! Where are you?!'

'At the side of the lake.'

'Coming now.'

A few minutes passed before you saw a boy with blue eyes, black hair with one blue streak, and freckles approaching you.


A/n: I know this one sucked, but I wanted to try to make it like a Tiktok layout LMAO I promise the next chapter will be better 😭

Until next time


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