One shot #1

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   I sat on the red velvet couch waiting quietly for the host doors to open. I ran a hand through my blonde hair and looked over to the twins who were currently cuddling on the couch across from me
    "Well aren't you two upping your act" I smiled and Kouru looked over
    "Well host club is important right?" He asked and shrugged
    I nodded and got up "today we're doing a normal host set up since Christmas is coming up and that's when we do our Christmas special" I smiled raising my arms slightly before I heard the slightly lower voice of my best friend Kyoya
    "Please don't spend to much money I haven't been able to buy proper camera's due to club funding after renge spent it on her latest cosplay" he said and stood up. I looked over and said
    "Oh? I'm sure you could pull some strings right?" I asked with puppy dogs eyes
    "Tamaki we may be rich but we need to make sure we don't use to much club funding" he said and I pouted coming over
    "Please mommy I'll try not to spend to much of it" I pouted and he sighed
    "Alright alright, I'll see what I can do now leave me be before I change my mind" he grumbled and I nodded going back to the couch humming happily.
   I sat down and soon enough the door opened and the girls all went to their hosts
   I smiled as I talked with my guests when I looked over to Kyoya which was actually talking with some girls, jealousy built up in me as I shot up a girl looking at me
   "Tamaki what's wrong?" She asked and I smiled
   "Oh nothing I just need to speak with Kyoya" I said waving a slight bit walking over with a hand in my pocket
   "Kyoya!" I said in a singy song tone
   "Yes?" He asked looking away from one of the girls
   "May I speak with you? I have a few questions to ask about club funding for Christmas" I smiled stopping in front of him the two girls pouting slightly at the fact I'd be taking him away which made me smile a bit more
     "Of course what is it?" He asked turning towards me
      "I'd prefer we'd talk in the other room we don't want to spoil the plans for our guests now do we?" I said gesturing towards the two brunettes
        "I suppose..." he nodded
        I smiled in victory and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the music room and to an empty library making him jump and look around confused
          "Tamaki I thought we were going to talk about club plans" he said sitting down in a chair and setting his book down
          "No I wanted to talk with you about something else" I said putting my right knee on his right leg and my hands over his on the arm rests staring down at him
          "What?" He asked blushing a bit
          "Your talking with girls now... why is that..?" I asked gently nuzzling the crook of his neck making him shudder
           "We work as a host club don't we... that's what I'm meant to do.." he stated
           "But you promised me when we started you'd stay away from them..." I said licking his neck
            "Tamaki please... you can't keep getting jealous we can't tell anyone we're gay...." he sighed gently slipping his hand out from under mine and putting it on my left cheek
              I poured and nuzzled his hand "ok mommy...." I said "do you ever get jealous when I'm talking with girls?" I asked
            "Sometimes when there getting to close but you aren't dating them so I don't mind to much" he said softly and kissed the tip of my nose "but in the long run yes I do" he said gently
              I smiled softly and nodded, it was nice knowing his cared enough to get jealous "ok... let's head back then" I said gently and nuzzled the top of his head before I got up and gently dragged him back to the club room

      Two days past till it was our Christmas special and dance, we had got permission from the school to use the ballroom so we didn't have to worry about that though we did have to decorate the morning before the party.
        I stood at the front doors of the ballroom in a cream sweater that hung off my sweater with a blue tank top underneath, some dark blue jeans that were a bit to baggy hanging off my hip with my belt on loosely and some red converse. When I heard the familiar  voice of my 'best friend' calling me as he walked towards me in a white dress shirt and some loose black pants with the necklace I gave him I smiled and walked over to meet him half way. Kyoya chuckled smirking a bit as he gently ruffled my hair and walked with me to the doors. I opened them and said
       "The boxes are all in the corner so we just need to unpack and decorate"
        He nodded and stepped inside "alright then" he said going to some of the boxes and opening it up starting to pull streamers and what not out.
         After about an hour I got a message from the twins saying everyone else was on their way as I set up the mistletoe. I shut my phone off and put it in my pocket before I looked over to kyoya who was coming down off the Home Depot style stairs we had rented as well. I smiled softly and walked over as he stepped off the last step and whipped off his hands on his pants. I gently put both my hands on the stair rails and leaned in kissing him. I felt his lips start to synchronize with mine as we kissed his arms wrapping around my neck leaning back a bit.
         I smiled after a bit and pulled away "I love when we kiss... even if we can't do it in public..." I said gently and rested my head in the crook of his neck wrapping an arm around him
         "I know...." he sighed softly kissing my head gently "come one let's continue..." he said gently and I nodded walking to go and finish my part of the room. After everyone got here and we all decorated for a few more hours it was all done and we were packing up the boxes so we could go get ready. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to see haruhi with her around crossed over her chest
         "Hey senpai are you alright?" She asked tilting her head a bit
         "Yes haruhi I'm alright thank you for asking" I smiled softly, I had been down lately since me and kyoya weren't really able to do anything normal couples do like go out to cafe's for a date or watch a movie and go out to have supper but I only recently realized it and it was eating me up a bit
         "Come on senpai your just like my dad tell me what's wrong" she said
          I put on my act and said "oh haruhi! You just admitted I am just like your father!" I said and hugged her tightly.
          Once she gave up and walked off towards the twins I sighed and rested my head against the wall shoving my hands in my pockets before I left to get ready at home.

           Later that night around seven the twins opened the ballroom doors as me and the others stood at the top of the stairs in white suits with red flowers in our breast pockets and black accents, we all smiled reaching out our hands as we said "welcome!" And the girls started pouring in. A few were old guests who had found boyfriends and brought them along to dance or wanted to thank us for helping them and a few brought their mothers or sisters.
          I walked down the stairs and said loudly "hello ladies and gentlemen! It's a pleasure to see you all, we have food on the left side of the room with some baked good made by our very own honey and mory, I hope you all enjoy this evening!" I smiled and everyone clapped before starting to mingle
          I walked down and started to mingle along with the rest of the club and ran into a few girls starting to talk with them and complimenting them. The night was fun and caught haruhi staring at one of the girls from across the room who was one of our guests sisters. I walked over and leaned on her shoulder
           "Seems as though my dear haruhi had a crush huh?" I said with a smirk 
            She jumped and said "n-no of course not! I just thought she was pretty" she said her face going red as she looked down
            I smiled softly and ruffled her hair "go talk to her.. we're here to have fun" I said softly patting her back so she moved forward
            She looked back at me a bit surprised before smiling and walking towards her. I looked over when I heard a girl call for me and I walked over taking her hand and kissing it gently "yes princess?" I asked looking up at the blushing girl
           "I was wondering how you and kyoya senpai started the club?" She asked
           "Ah well out fathers are business partners and kyoya was forced into being my friend though it grew into a proper friendship and we decided to use our good looks to start a host club" I smiled
            She nodded and gently put a hand on my chest leaning in "well dont you think a more... adult? Host club would bring in many other ladies" she said running her hand down to above my waist band
            I jumped and said "w-we're only here to entertain you" I said smiling and trying to gently push her away by the shoulder
            "I would be so much more entertained if I could see all of you" she purred and I tried stepping back before I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me away from her. When I looked back I saw kyoya holding my shoulder gently with a soft but pissed look.
            "Sorry miss but we aren't sex workers and will not have sex with random girls plus tamaki here is already in a relationship.." he said sternly
            She huffed and said "you two are such sticks in the mud" she growled and stormed off.
             I smiled gratefully at kyoya and put my hand on his "thank you Kyoya" I said and looked around before kissing his hand softly looking back at him who wore a frown.
             I frowned as well and asked "kyoya what's wrong?" Gently moving so we were facing each other properly
            "I want to kiss you in public... I don't want to hide... I want to go out to cafe's with you and go to wineries together while we're planing parties..." he said putting his hand on my cheek and gently pulled me over to the mistletoe
              "Kyoya what are you doing?" I asked before he called
              "Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to have everyone's attention!" He called pulling me in by my waist making me look around confused "what I'm about to do doesn't mean you can't continue to come to the host club but I want you all to know tamaki suoh it taken!" He called and looked down at me leaning in and connecting his lips to mine
              I looked up at him surprised before I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck pushing back a bit as I kissed him. Once we pulled away we looked back to the girls, a small few of them had disgusted looks on their faces but a lot of them had smiles a burst out into claps and cheers. The rest of the night went amazing and we were able to openly kiss and what not that night, one small step at a time...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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