Chapter 24- His Room and The Armory.

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Day 4

Today I found something I didn't see before in my life. It was something called a camera.

Due to me being the curious person that I am, I analyzed this new device, I even asked help from Max, he explained to me how it works and I gave it a try.

I took a picture of some of my friends and taped it here, if it gets lost then oh well, atleast I was able to annoy Eidrian and Raz for some time.

Those two don't like it when I decide to tamper with them for a while.

Our departure is tomorrow. The sooner we get to our destination where there is possibly a way to get to the hunan world the better. We can also see what's in store for us.

It was decided today that me, Joanne, Ethan, and Andre are the ones going to A08-63. Just in case whenever something happens.

Ok, on about the future.

With this camera I was able to make a video for you, I was on a hurry though, and I think I wasn't able to remove the cover for the lens, that a mistake I made.

I hid the camera under the wood of one of the mattresses. Specifically, one of those on the right if you're standing by the door.

Finding it won't be a problem if you use your brain.

-R.A (I'm getting a little lazy to write my name full now, haha)

Armin's pov

"Oi, you done crying for a f*cking book?" I heard a monotone voice say near me.

I looked up and saw Captain Levi leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Ah! C-Captain! I didn't see you there!" I exclaimed of pure nervousness.

"Tch, answer my question, Cadet." He replied in annoyance while walking near the foot of my mattress.

I then replied with my voice getting lower word by word. "Y-yes sir! But the book wasn't the reason I was crying, sir...."

"Then what?" He asked.

I explained to him the vision I just had. Especially the part where my ancestor knew where I was because of her foresight.

"Tch, the situation's getting more and more complicated." He said after taking it all in.

I remembered what we discussed about during the time we were traveling to the shelter and the time after I went out the library with Ray and the others.



"Captain, what are we going to do now that we're in another world?" Asked Eren while walking to the designated area Minerva told us to go.

The Captain was silent for a few minutes, maybe thinking, then spoke up.

"1. We're still keeping you safe like we're originally assigned to do. 2. We're finding the rest of the squad. 3. We're going to follow these brats, they look like they know what to do in this sh*tty world." He replied.

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