22. I'M FINE

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"OH MY MERLIN, NAT YOU'RE okay, aren't you?"

Natasha wasn't expecting to hear her best friends' worried voices the very second she stepped foot into their usual train compartment. Her ocean blue eyes widened as both Grace and Rosie rushed over to her, hugging her almost to death and almost causing her to topple over. 

"We heard about what happened at the Cup," Grace explained, pulling back to look at the blonde, a look of pure worry etched onto her face.

"I'm fine," Nat shrugged it off, sending them small reassuring smiles. She wasn't completely lying though, she was fine, she didn't get hurt and neither did Cedric or Amos so that was good. However, she certainly wasn't fine in the emotional side of it all though - but no one needed to know that bit. 

"Why do I have a feeling that you're lying right now?" Grace questioned, crossing her arms over her chest as she sent her blonde best friend a pointed look.

Rosie nodded, "Yeah, I have that exact feeling too."

Natasha looked away before plopping herself down onto her usual spot, "Maybe you're both overthinking it," She shrugged casually, letting her eyes fall onto the window to her left, watching the beautiful scenery go past. However, she couldn't fully give the view her attention, not when she could feel her best friends both staring at her, "Do you two want a picture or something?" Natasha asked sarcastically, glancing over at the pair.

"No, we just want you to open up to us," Grace stated, tilting her head as she looked at Nat, "You're shutting us out again."

"No, I'm not," Natasha argued, "I already told you, I'm fine. It's over and done with and none of us got hurt. Now please, just let it go," She could see both girls were apprehensive about doing so, but knowing just how stubborn Natasha was, they eventually caved in and took their seats, moving the subject off of the Quidditch World Cup.

Sure, it felt nice knowing someone cared about her, but it also didn't. She didn't want to be anymore of a burden than she already was. She had been a physical burden to everyone since she was born, now the last thing she wanted was to also be an emotional one. 

For the rest of the train ride, the blonde didn't speak too often. Keeping quietly to the side, her eyes still looking out of the window. All she wanted to do was finally be back at Hogwarts, play some Quidditch and forget about everything bad that had happened over the summer break. 

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