Going home

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 My dear maestro woke me up. We were sitting there talking about my family. Umm Its time for me to leave. So I said to him.

Me: umm Michael?


Me: umm It's time for me to leave(I saw his smily face turns into a sad face)

Michael:Bu-but noo you can't leave me I want you to be  with me please don't leave pleaseeeee I love you.

Me: mikey I should go I have work to do (I said caressing his cheeks)

He said: Please katrina I wanna be with you all the time...... all this years I have been alone waiting for some one to come and when someone did that is you the love of my life my everything Pleaseee I beg you.(He started crying while hugging me tightly OHH I hate seeing him crying .

I said : okay okay Stop crying Mikey I hate seeing you cry please.I got  an Idea.(I said wiping his tears and kissing him on his lip)

He said what??what is that katrina????

I said umm since you don't want me to leave you alone here how about you come with me.

He said:*he gasped*Ohh really I would to come with you and that is a good idea So I don't have to miss my beautiful lady.

I said: and my handsome man (I said that made him blush and hide his face in my chest)

He said: ohhh I love hugging you.

I said: me too.

I said: well Lets go

He said: Okay but give a kiss.

I said: *Kissses him*Is that enough Mr.Jackson

He said:Enough for now but we will continue when we reach your home write and one more thing Only you can see me.

I said ohh you will be invisible..

He said yes I don't want anyone to see me except you.

I said you love me that much.

He said: Yes of course I love you soooo mucch

I said:No I love you more.

He kissed me on the forehead but I suddenly kissed him on the lip and that made him blush.

I said:well lets go then.

I said: 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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Maestro of LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ