17. Flowers

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(997 words)

They were lounging under the 'year-eight' tree, Draco fiddling with the leather bracelet he wore on his left wrist. Potter'd made it for him when he'd been staying at Shell Cottage. He'd found a small Trivia shell on the beach and knotted it between two cords. It meant the world to Draco because it was so personal.

'You look contemplative,' Harry said.

'I want to get a tattoo,' he said slowly. 'I don't know what to get but I want to cover what's left of the Mark.'

Draco always kept his arm covered, ashamed of his past shown in the scars left by the Dark Mark. He wanted his arm inked with something which contrasted against the previous black ugliness, something bright and colourful.

'You need to talk to Luna,' Harry suggested.

'Luna? Why?'

'She's a very good artist. She'll design something for you. I'll get her to come over.'

'No, Potter.'


He felt monstrously guilty that she'd been held captive at the Manor and she always smiled sorrowfully at him as if she saw the pain in his soul and that made him feel worse.

'Ah...' Potter'd obviously caught up with Draco's thoughts. 'You definitely need to talk to her.'


'Stop running away. She's the most loving and forgiving person you'll ever meet.'

'Which makes it all the crueller. She's an innocent, so willing to see the best in people. I played a part in her kidnapping, she was taken because of me. She trusted me. Bellatrix...'

'...used that. So, tell Luna you're sorry.'

Draco sighed. Potter sent her a charmed paper bird, asking her to join them.

Luna, being Luna, danced over from a nearby year-seven group with dirty bare feet and multiple chains of daisies dangling from her neck, and hair.

'Hello, Harry. Hello, Draco,' she said, sitting down next to them. She immediately broke one of daisies chains and wove it into Potter's hair. 'Daisies keep the evil eye diverted,' she said dreamily. 'The malevolent glare can't look at them because of their bright yellow eyes.'

Draco gulped nervously, 'Luna.'

'Yes, Draco.'

'I want to apologise...'

'That's alright, Draco. I understand. I know you aren't to blame for your aunt's actions. Did you want me to draw something, Harry?' It seemed that part of the conversation was closed.

'Draco was thinking about getting a tattoo to cover the scars on his arm, I wondered if you had any ideas.'

'Well, both of you have mothers who are named after flowers. That's what you both should have.'

'It's just for Draco.'

'Of course, Harry,' she smiled absentmindedly.

Luna came back to them a few days later with two pictures. The first was a bright watercolour of a narcissus, it's vibrant yellow stood against everything the Mark represented and Draco though it was beautiful. The other was a detailed pen and ink of three lilies.

'For under your heart, Harry,' she said happily. 'I think they will both suit you very much. I think its lovely that you're getting matching tattoos.'

'We're not,' Potter said, but she'd already drifted off.

George Weasley had recommended a place to Potter and he'd booked an appointment because George had said you couldn't just walk in off the street. A week before graduation, they bunked off school to go to London and Potter pushed open the door to 'The Inked Dragon' on the intersection between Horizont and Knockturn. The wizard that greeted them smiled easily, introducing himself as Pinchus Pilliwinkle.

'Everyone calls me "Pilli". Now, yer of age, ain't yer?'

Draco nodded apprehensively and retrieved the artwork Luna had done. Pilli nodded appreciatively.

'Do yer want it moving?' he said, glancing between Luna's painting and Draco's forearm. 'We can 'ave the petals opening 'n' closing, we can even 'ave it growing.'

'No, I want it there all the time, to cover the scarring...'

'Of course, Mr Malfoy. Can I suggest a bumble bee? They can 'over around so prettily and they're metaphorical-like for loyalty and courage. Appropriate for you, I think, after wot yer did for Harry.'

Draco looked at Potter with a lump in his throat. Potter smiled encouragingly and gave a little wink.


Pilli chatted avidly as he worked, despite concentrating on his art and muttering healing spells as he went so the pain was nothing compared to when Draco got the Mark. Pilli related that he'd read all about them both, and he was proud to be the artist to ink them.

When Pilli had finished and soothed the area with arnica and Aloe Vera, Draco looked at the beautiful artwork with tears in his eyes. He loved the way the bee bumbled happily around his arm, occasionally landing on the flower as it swayed gently in an unseen breeze, moving constantly to hide his scars. It was as if Pilli had spelled away the psychological damage of the Dark Mark. He felt ready to move on to the next part of his life and it seemed fitting to have the tattoo done just as he was leaving Hogwarts.

'Now, Harry,' Pilli said. 'Is this wot yer 'aving?' He was looking at Luna's drawing of the lilies.

'Oh no,' fumbled Potter. 'Luna just drew them. I'm not getting a tattoo.'

'I think it's very pretty to 'ave them done for yer mam. I know me mam would be proud to have such beautiful flowers done for 'er.'

'Chicken!' Draco mumbled.

'Luna said under my heart.'

'Perfect!' Pilli grinned. 'I've 'ad a cancellation today so we've got time.'

Draco couldn't prevent his eyes from roaming when Potter removed his t-shirt. Pilli let out a low whistle. 'Phew, yer look after yerself. Wot d'yer do?'

Potter was blushing, 'just flying, I guess.'

'So, I saw you got that latest Firebolt, wot's it like?'

Draco decided he needed to buy Luna a very large bunch of flowers before they headed back, not just for the artwork, but because he spent a happy afternoon ogling Potter's muscles.



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