You're dating Luke but in love with Michael- Part 2

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I sit on the steps of the restaurant taking deep breaths trying to calm myself. I have no idea how long I had been out here for, but all I knew was that no one cared. No one had came to come out to see if I was okay, not even Michael. I felt horrible and I couldn't believe I did that to Luke. I put my head in my hands trying to clear my head. I had no idea what to do. I finally gathered up my strength to go back inside. I could hear them talking loudly, even a few chuckles. I reached the table and a silence fell over them.

"I'm sorry" I muster but they all shook their heads.

I sat quietly back in my seat fiddling with my napkin. No one was speaking, and I wasn't going to be the one to start. I look over to my left where I found Luke staring off into space while he moved pieces of food around with his fork. I looked over his face, his eyes were kind of red as you could tell he had been crying. I looked to my right where Michael was but he didn't give me a second look after looking away. I sigh as I pick up my coat and keys and head outside. I wanted to go home, I couldn't be with them anymore.

"Wait up!" I hear someone call out for me.

I turn around and see Michael and Calum coming towards me in a slight jog.

"What is it?" I say slightly annoyed that they couldn't have just let me leave.

"We need to talk." Michael says. I don't answer, instead I lean against my car waiting for him to speak. "I have to admit that what you did to Luke was a pretty shitty thing to do. But as for you and me.. I don't think we can become anything. At least not yet. It's not the right timing, and it certainly is the wrong thing to do. Y/N, Luke is one of my best mates and I hate seeing him like this. Even though we had something, whatever It was, like I said we can't continue it." Michael says. I look at Calum and he shrugs.

"Please don't do this. I need someone." I say my breathing hitching.

My voice was now in a higher octave and I could feel the tears coming.

"Luke needs us more Y/N, I'm sorry. You can't just expect me to ditch Luke after breaking his heart and go out with you. That might've seemed like the right thing to do and a simple plan in the moment, but it's not. Now i don't know what exactly will happen between us, especially you and Luke. I don't know if you want to try to remain friends with him or not but it might take some convincing with him. Only time can tell." he says. Calum clears his throat.

"Michaels right, but just to let you know I will always be your friend no matter what goes down with everyone else. I'm sure Ashton feels the same." I nod as I look down.

"I guess this night didn't go as planned" I laugh lightly and wipe a tear away. I pick my jacket up and keys and get into my car. Driving away I could see Luke come out of the restaurant with Ashton patting him on the back. Once I reached my apartment I went upstairs to my dresser where I had pictures of Luke and I. I took them out of the frame and set them to the side trying to contemplate whether I should throw them away or not. I take out my phone and decide to text Luke, even though I would be the last person he would want to talk to.

"Hey, I know you don't want to talk to me and that's fine, but I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for hurting you. You have no idea how much it's hurting me that I made you feel like this. As to remain friends, that is up to you. But if we don't, I hope you find someone that means the world to you. Someone you can confide in, someone better than me."

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