Chapter thirty-seven

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Shannon's POV

He wants to know everything?!

Shannon can you even do that?

Do I wait for him to ask the questions or do I just start from birth?

Maybe if I play my cards right I can kinda leave somethings out.

Damn, he really wants to know everything... I don't think I can do that.

"Look Lucas, I love you and all, but what you're asking. I don't think I can do." I say, honestly.

He sits there for a moment thinking while lightly tapping his index finger on the table.

Clearing his throat he speaks. "Well, we're gonna have to." he states. "Shannon, if this is going to work then we're going to have to let each other in. It might be uncomfortable, but that will subside afterwards."

"Lucas, you are asking for a big ass commitment right now. We don't even know if we're going to last this time around. I think we're moving too fast." I say, looking at him.

He's pissed.

I can tell from the way he slightly flexed his jaw.

"Shannon stop being a pussy."

Excuse me?!

"I told you I'm not going anywhere, and I want this shit to work. There will be no judging taking place throughout the remainder of the day and for the rest of our lives." he says.

I just sigh.

To be honest I never had to open up to anyone. Everyone I know, knows everything there is to know about my life because we grew up together. I never had to relieve my stressful years as a child and teen, but now I have to? Now, I know this might be difficult for him as well because he probably has a past too, but still.

"How about this... we either start talking or have me to impregnate you right now." he says, trying to make a deal.

What the hell type of deal is that?! Neither one of them sounds appealing to me. Plus I don't think I want to go through child birth again. Pushing Story out was freaking hell, and with me having a low pain tolerance at the time didn't help.

"Let's rock, paper, scissors, shoe. To see who goes first." I say, sitting up straight.

He rolls his eyes. "Shannon, pick a number between one and ten." he says. "If you guess close you go first, and just so you know that I'm not cheating I'll type it in my phone." he says, taking his phone out.

Wait, am I allowed to be drunk when talking? Or at least tipsy?

"Am I allowed to drink?" I ask.

He sits his phone down. "No, we both have to be sober. Now pick a number."

This that bullshit.

"Three." I answer, a little irritated.

"Alright you're first." he says.

What?! That's not fair!

"What was the number?!"

"Five." he says, holding his phone up.


"Uugghh!!!" I whine. "Fine, what the hell do you want to know?" I ask, playing with my cup that was once filled with wine.

"I want to know about your relationship with your parents, more specifically your dad." he says.

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