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"Everyone gather up" the principal said standing on stage while I struggle on the ladder to gang the mighty shrimps sign on stage without turning around I can feel everyone is looking at me and my ladder is so high if I fall I die suddenly my ladder started to wiggle

"Oh oh" I said wiggling with it everyone gasp when it falls but instead I jumped and did a triple flips and landed on my feets everyone cheers and screams and claps I sigh in relief then laughed before picking up the ladder and sat on the chair next to Lux I look at the crowd Harry blows me a kiss I chuckled then Lux climbed on my lab and played with her fingers nervously

"What?" I asked she smiles shly

"There's this boy in class" she starts I laughed then nod

"Carry on" I said she looks at me

"His name is Mike he sits next to me and he always tell me I'm beautiful" she smiles shly I bit my lip and nod "hawy told me that if you like a someone you feel butterflies when you see them and you always want to hold them forever because he said that's how he felt when he first saw you" I look at Harry who was looking at the principal

"Mike always writes me cards with hearts and stuffs and Everytime I'm with him or touch hands I feel butterflies in my stomach and yesterday he told me he had a cwush on me but I didn't know what it meant but it sounded nice and I said I have a cwush on him too then he kissed my cheek and I think I like him"

My mouth dropped wideeeeeee "Lux have a crush means he likes you too so much"

"Since I said I have a cwush on him too does this mean we are now boy friend and girl friend like you and Hawy?" She asks blushing my mouth still wide open this child is 7!!!!!! 7 years old!!!!!! I wish I could shout

"Is he going to be here tomorrow?" I ask she nods "then you ask him" she smiles "do you want to be his girlfriend?" She blushes and nod my mouth open a gape "but ain't you still young?"

"Yes but" she paused "I don't know" she shrug

"Shelby please step here" the principal said

"I think I love him" lux said my mouth dropped I grabbed my hair

"Will talk at home" I said she climbs down and I walked next to the principal still traumatized about what Lux just said I'm not good at fucking advise but he's still young for love I take two deep breath and open my eyes then look at the crowd I look at Elenour she shrug I shook my head and look at Lux who is in deep thoughts smiling and playing with her hair I bit my lip to control my laugh

"The show starts at twelve the opening act be Mr Magoo with morning prayer" I frown and walked to Megan

"Morning prayer isn't twelve is like midday?" I whisper to him he chuckled

"His a grandpa" he said I laughed

"So you will be coming with tomorrow?" I asked

"My small brother Mike and my mom" he said Mike?

"Which school does he goes to?" I asked

"Rise and shine he's in first grade and been bugging me around to come because some girl he likes wi be here" he sigh I gasp

"You know Lux just told me about a boy Mike in her class who told her he had a crush on her" I said

"Lux yes that's the name" he said we both look at Lux

"Lux" I whisper yell she looks up "come" I said she walks in front of us we both bent down in front of her "Lux this is Megan Mike brother" I said she gasp and look at Megan

"Hi Mike always talks about you and very excited to see you tomorrow" he said Lux jumps up and down

"Me too" she squeak

"Ok go sit down" I wink she nods and jumps happily to her seat I look at Megan and run my hand in my hair "7!! 7 years old Megan but they already love" I whisper Shaking my head

"It's okay it's just a crush" he whispered putting his arm my shoulder

"Megan you have no idea what she told me and if you still want to see that hand attached to your body you gotta move it before I move it my self and it won't be any less painful" I said he quickly moves it then my watch talks "Laytoy?" I whisper

"Shelby the academy is been attacked I repeat we are been attacked" he speaks I look at the girls they looked at me with eyes wide I ran up to the principal

"Please excuse me we'll be back in a few minutes it's an emergency" I said he nods I look at Harry and mouthed 'lets go' I said he whispers to the boys and they start running to the door I ran to Lux

"I'll be back baby stay here with Megan okay?" I said kissing her forehead she nods

"Stay with her please" I tell Megan he nods and ran out the door "please drive fast"

"What's going on?" Niall asked

"We are been under attacked stop at my house" I said he parks on the driveway "come on" I said everyone runs in I ran to the wall and scan my hand it open everyone puts on they jackets I give everyone a cap with B.S word and Glasses and a black mask with Black Spider name

"What are these for?" Harry ask as I put on my smack they all did the same and grab they guns

"Don't worry I'll drive" I said and got in the driver's sit The others got in Perries car and I drive away fast

"Wow you drive fast!" Zayn said I didn't answer him instead I concentrate on the road till we arrived I walked out the door and into the academy hearing gunshots we walked out the back door and started shooting whatever that isn't wearing my jacket as I recognize someone ... it's Adam but he's in my team his supposed to be shooting for us not at us he's a spy good then i sneaked behind him and close his mouth the point a gun at him

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