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After the Game we walked to the car park ready to home "good game son" dad said hugging harry "you really are my son in law" he winks

"Pops!" I smack his arm he chuckles

"Bye I'll see yah" mom said I wave

"How about we go celebrate at my house in my room"he whisper kissing me I chuckle

"Why not" I giggle and we walked to the others "well let's go to you'll house and later on we have to go to the academy"

"Yes plus El and I need to celebrate" Lou smirk

"Okaaay too much information let's go go go go" they cheered and got in the car

"OK before everyone walks to they rooms to celebrate we need to discuss something" I said everyone sits on the couch I sigh "ugh this is so disgusting" i shook my head

"Uh well Henry is an undercover gang member actually Gios gang" I said they gasp

"What!" Zayn said I nod

"Yes he is Bloody 23 and have son for fucks sake!" I said disgust "and that's why I said yes to meet him tomorrow because I know he's planning something" I said they nod

"So what should we do" El asked

"Don't worry just you guys go celebrate"I grin

"With pleasure" Niall smiled and pulled Natalie we laughed and went to separate bedrooms

"Now we both stars" he said throwing to bed

"Harry" I laughed he jumps on top off me

"OkaY wait for my signal" I tell everyone they nod and I walked to Henry's door and knocked he immediately open

"Hey" he hugs me "come in" he said I walked in as About 10 people pointed guns at me I chuckle "Shel I'm sorry but I did my job to get you to Gio but instead I ended up falling real hard for you I'm supposed to had done this very long time ago but I couldn't I'm sorry" he said

"Come in" I said I take out my gun and started shooting and ducking as the door flew open everyone started shooting and I see Henry trying to run away after his man were laying dead I shoot his leg he groans

"Take him away" I said Ozzy and Andre take him away

"What about these bodies"HaRry asked I smirk and take out a water bottle With paraffin and let it drop down

"You'll might wanna back away" I said they slowly did I take out a box of matches and threw it on the floor and it started burning "Let's go"

"So what's your story" I asked a tied up Henry

"Shelby love" he breaths out

"Oh fuck she's not your love" harry snapped and punched him

"G-gio is my Boss h-he s-sent me to k-kill you when you c-came to camp b-but I didn't because I-i fell in love with you so much I c-couldnt Gio tortured me w-when I told him I c-cant work for him so that w-why I did it" he said I walked closer to him

"You know im gonna kill you right" I said he shook her head

"P-please don't please I-I can do Everything you want I can help you kill Giovanni if you want I know everything About him I cab be in your team" he begs

"He could be use full" Natalie said I nod 

"Tell me something I don't know" I tell Henry

"He still doesn't know your the leader but he is suspicious so he wanted to kill you to see if you really are the leader and if you are he'd take over the your gang" he said we laughed

"How should we trust you" Layton asked

"There he is boss his name is Thomas second grade" Ryan said showing me a picture of Henrys son   he's so adorable

"Oh so this is your son huh" I show him the pic

"Please shelby please don't kill him" he beg

"Where's the mom?" I raised my eyebrows

"She abonded us after giving birth" he said

"Oh I'm sorry" I said "and you just fucking lucky I don't hurt kids i never hurt kids but if my plan don't work I swear I can take him away from you now I will let you go and just know I have eyes everywhere around you and your son so I'd keep him close if I were you goodnight" I threaten he nods

"I-i promise" he said I walked to him and slap him with my gun he fainted

"Put it in" I said walking Away 

"Are you really going to take his son?" El ask I shook my head

"I'd never hurt a kid in anyway it was just to threaten" I said

"That's my girl" harry kisses my cheek

"So when is the plan happening?" Zayn asks

"Sunday night" I smile

"Well its game on" Niall smirk

"If it's war he want it's war he will get" I nod "Perrie are you sure you can do it?" She nods

"Yes I'm sure dont worry" she smiles and I nod

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