Chapter 2: Seen

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Behold, an ace/aro attempting to write romance. If you're uncomfortable with the most basic pick up lines ever pls don't read.

Now that we've gotten into the plot I guess it's time to list the fics this was inspired by:
Gonna Be Around by bunnyyuuu (
Leaps and Bounds by ToodleOfDeeth (
Dream Boy by Cloud (

Maybe that'll give you a hint of where this story's going ;)


The next morning Dream woke up feeling refreshed. When he checked himself in the mirror, most of the injuries he'd received from the fight yesterday were gone thanks to the regeneration potion. All that was left was a zig-zagging, branched scar that started from the left side of his neck and ran down to his collarbone. He'd heard about people getting scars from lightning and while the experience itself was painful, he thought it ultimately looked pretty cool.

He left his room and went to see if George was up yet, but the door to his room was still closed. Dream smiled. If he was quick, he could run down to the market and buy freshly-picked apples for George before he woke up.

He stepped into the main living space of their loft, his footsteps quiet on the wooden floor. There was a small kitchen in the corner, a solitary couch in the middle, and a table with four chairs under the windows overlooking the street. Beyond it was a wooden balcony too small to actually stand in. Most of the time they just leaned on the railings, silently enjoying each other's company while observing the busy street below. It had been a bit cramped when they first shared the loft together with Sapnap, but after he left to move in with his girlfriend it was the perfect size for Dream and George.

He caught sight of several bright flowers sitting in a glass of water on the table, the same ones that he'd picked for George while they'd trekked through the dark forest yesterday. Beside them sat a pouch of coins, their reward for taking down the Evoker. Dream picked it up, hefting it in his hand. Under it was a slip of paper.

Twenty percent for the idiot. it said in George's neat handwriting.

Dream wheezed quietly. From the weight in his hand, he'd say it was closer to fifty. He slipped it into a pouch on his belt and ran down the narrow stairs to the street, throwing on his cloak as he went.

He quietly slipped outside, putting up his hood to shield against the bright morning light. There was a noticeable absence of weight on his face where his mask should have been, but he'd found that wearing it within the city walls tended to unnerve the ordinary people who lived there. He kept it for when he was out on quests and it was best to appear as a soulless monster rather than the sensitive person he was behind it. It made the job easier and kept him from being recognized if it was a more clandestine situation.

Still, a couple of people who glanced in his direction stopped dead in their tracks and stared as he passed. He only pulled his hood down and walked slightly faster. He knew he had a bit of a reputation as the deadliest fighter after the king, but he didn't think that so many people would recognize him.

Finally, the red tarps of the apple stand came into view. He hopped into line, drawing a few more curious eyes, and purchased four apples and a bottle of juice. He knew George liked dipping apples into apple juice, like the nasty little freak he was.

As he paid for the apples and juice, the apple seller winked at him. "I'll throw in an extra one for a kiss." she said, twirling an apple in her long fingers. He didn't know how she managed to make it look so...suggestive.

"Haha thanks, but I only need four." he hoped the excuse didn't sound too awkward as he backed away. In his haste he accidentally tripped over another customer.

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