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I had a nightmare a few nights ago and it's really shaken me how do I cope....but putting my suffering onto my favorite character

This will containe angst, yelling, extreme fear(at least I'm thinking it will), and will involve Virgil not wanting to see Patton for a little bit.

Virgil awoke with a scream, grabbing his arms and hugging himself to try stop himself from shaking.

He kept his eyes open, even when tears were streaming down his face, he couldn't close his eyes, if he did he would see them again.

His eyes, oh god his eyes, they terrified him, he never wanted to see those eyes again, and that smile, the one he used to find comfort in, god it made it all worse.

That's when his door swing open and Patton rushed towards him with a worried look on his face.

No, no! He knew he should have been scared, but he could help but feel terrified.

Virgil jumped away from Patton with a shriek, and pushed himself to the far corner of the bed.

"Please stop, I'm sorry I dont know what I did, just please dont come any close. Please stop" virgil chanted.

The other sides were stunned, what could have happened to make Virgil scared of Patton.

Patton attempted to make forward, trying to tell Virgil that everything was alright.

But Virgil was too lost in his fear
Virgil begged shaking his head and sobbing.

Logan and Roman looked to each other and Logan reluctantly put a had of Patton's shoulder, quietly telling him that it would proably be best for him to wait outside.

Patton slowly nodded then made his way to the door and sat just outside, so he could still hear what was happening.

Roman and Logan slowly got closer to Virgil and sat down on the bed.

Roman slowly reached a hand towards Virgil, and he just sobbed louder.

As Roman pulled him in he could tell how bad he was shaking, as Roman was hugging Virgil he gestured to Logan to join in the hug.

Logan reluctantly agreed and frowned at how bad his anxious counterpart was shaking, looking up to Roman he got a worried look and a slight nod down to the youngest.

Logan got the message and slowly moved to get in front of Vigil, taking his hands. Logan could see that Virgil was purposefully keeping eyes open and not looking Logan in the eye.

"Virgil" logan started quietly getting a slight nod from the younger. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He questioned.

Virgil slowly looked up and into Logans eyes, flinching slightly but not breaking eye contact.

"Nightmare" he mumbled quietly.

Logan looked up to Roman and gave the Creative side a nod.

"Do you want to tell us about it storm cloud?" Roman asked.

"I-I was outside listen to m-music, and I-I guess I didnt h-hear Patton call me, all I know is that I got this really bad f-feeling and when I looked up Patton was there. H-he looked so mad, his eyes terrified me, a-and he was smiling." Virgils eyes started filling with tears.

" I-I was so scared, but it was unlike anything I felt before, I wasnt scared for my life or getting hurt, I-It was just pure fear, P-patt started to slowly walk towards me, a-and his eyes were l-looking around and I was begging him to stop a-and I was a-apologizing and crying, but he wouldnt stop, and I couldnt get away, and I was so scared." Virgil finished as he started sobbing again.

Logan stood up and wrapped the youngest side in a hug while Roman rubbed circles in his back.

Patton was outside the door silently crying, he was so upset that he was the cause to Virgil's panic, his thoughts were interrupted by Virgils voice.

" I-I shouldn't have dont that to Patt, I know h-he wouldnt hurt me, I was just so scared and then he was coming at me and I-I didnt know what was going to happen, I need to apologize, I-I just dont think I can look him in the eyes." Virgil said clutching onto Logan and Roman like a life line.

"That quite alright Virgil, I'm sure he does not fault you for your actions, and you can apologize later, for right now I need you to relax for a moment." Logan told him.

Virgil nodded.

Time skipped 1 week later.

Virgil had apologized to Patton shortly after the incident, but something still wasnt right.

Virgil was almost constantly shaking, he couldnt wear his headphones, which was a major comfort item for his anxiety, and he would barely look anyone in the eye. There was clearly something wrong, the nightmare had affected him much worse that it proably should have.

But they were going to help him, no matter what it takes, or how long, they were going to help Virgil, even Janus and Remus said they were going to help.

Virgil was going to get better, and they would make sure of it.

Ok thats all folks.

This story was 80% true
I didnt wake up screaming or have an episode where I yelled at the person in my dream, I also didnt have someone to help comfort me and am not recieving any professional help with this.

Everyone stay safe, I have a few more stories in the works, if you have a request either PM me or put it in the comments.


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