Chapter thirty-eight

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Picture of Lucas
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It's been three days since our talk, and shit hasn't been pretty for me. Ever since I misunderstood what she said she won't let me near her. Hell! She won't even let me have my cuddles at night. It took some convincing, but last night she finally let me sleep in the same bed as her. Which I kind of regretted because I forgot she likes to sleep naked, so all last night I felt tempted.

Right now I'm sitting in her living room trying to build this big ass dollhouse Daniel got Story for her birthday. At the moment everyone is busy; Story is at school, Daniel is at work, Joshua is at a photo shoot for the next couple of hours, Shannon had a hair appointment, and I'm just here. As I'm continuing to build this, my phone starts to ring. Without looking at it I answer the call.

L: "Hello?"

D: "Hey son!"

L: "What's up dad?"

D: "Nothing just seeing how things are going."

L: "Oh, everything is fine I'm just sitting here building Story's two hundred dollar dollhouse."

D: "Two hundred?!"

L: "That's exactly what I said and guess who got it for her."

D: he sighs. "Daniel."

L: "Yup! Him and Joshua spoiled this girl rotten."

D: "What did Joshua get her?"

L: "He got her an outside play dollhouse. Where her and her friends can camp out in and play in, it fits comfortably six people."

D: "Jesus, I know that was a pretty penny."

L: "You have no idea." I say, finally getting the second floor of the dollhouse done.

D: "What did you get her?"

L: "I got her the American girl doll, Melody and the stuff that comes with her. Since Story seems to have a vintage vibe with her. I also got her a Princess Castle portable folding fort. I set that up for her in Shannon's study, since Story likes to read and do her homework in there."

D: "Oh god that child is spoiled." he says. "So does that mean you and Shannon made up?"

L: "Kinda, we are still working through so some stuff."

D: "Oh, alright that's good. Have you guys been making progress?"

L: "Eh, barely, but it's there."

D: "Mm."

L: "Anyway, what are you doing?"

D: "Nothing, just sitting out here on the deck enjoying a beer, until the kids come home."

L: "No work today?"

D: "Nah, I took off."

L: "Everything alright Dad?" I ask, stopping what I am doing.

D: "Yes, everything is fine. I just didn't feel like going into work today. Which reminds me, why aren't you on set?"

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