9: Milk and The guy that I'm kinda into.

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(〃` 3′〃)


That night you told Hinata that you would be accompanying him to the match, which he curiously asks why since he still doesn't know that you were also in his club. You shrug his question off by saying he will know soon.

Oh, yeah. The form. I still need my guardian's signature. You rush to downstairs, hoping your grandmother would still be up to sign the form before it's too late. Luckily you heard the television is still on as the laughter rang across the room. "Hm, need something dear?"

She heard your steps which makes her wonder why were you still up even though it's passed your usual bedtime. "Yes. I need you to sign this form." You gave her the form and a pen that you took from somewhere. She put on her reading glasses and proceed to thoroughly read the paper. "The boys' volleyball team?! Aren't there have a girls' volleyball team?"

You let out a sigh before saying what has happened to the girls' volleyball team and that the boys' volleyball team is a coed club. "I still wasn't sure about this. I mean you're a girl in a bunch of boys, what if they xxxxx you? Or worse, they xxxxx." You kneel and place your hand on her knees, you raise your bored eyes to meet with her worried eyes.

"Grandma. I will bring pepper spray to every practice. I will yell for help if they xxxxx me. So, can you sign this form already." In your eyes, she can see a little bit of pleading beside emotionless. You were trying as hard as you can to do the puppy eyes, but the mind is unfamiliar to do this action for so long, so now your eyes look huge as your eyelid follow your brain command to open as widely as they could.

"That wouldn't do, wear a whistle. There is a whistle in the storage, take it to your practice with you." She nags but you just nod your head to make her sign the form so you can join the club as for the whistle and pepper spray, that could be handle in another while. "So, can you please sign the form?" That sounds more like a threat than a question, but at last, your grandmother finally signs that damn form.

"Here. Be careful around boys." She reminds you as you took it from her hand. "Thank you."


Hinata runs to the school with you behind him, just because he said he doesn't want to lose to his sworn rivals, Kageyama. You don't know how long this feud is gonna last but at least if it doesn't affect Hinata badly or become a problem for the team to face, then it's alright with you.

You saw the tall boy's back, he was very lean you might add, Hinata runs even faster to exceed him so you follow him. Heard a loud stomping sound, the male turned his head around to notice you two were running at him with high speed, Hinata angrily stomps towards him with the cold air blow out from his nose rapidly.

He was surprised, to say the least, the orange male yelled out loud his battle cry as he exceeds the black male while you said 'good morning' to him as you passed by him. He was irritated to lose to a like him so he yelled "Wait up, you dumbass!" before rushing to him.

They were neck to neck, neither one of them wanted to back down, while you behind them were amused by their competitive nature.

Ah, friendship. How fun.


"What's the point of getting worn out before the match?" Tanaka said as he opens up the gym's door to prepare for the match. "Oh! [Last Name]! Looking cute as the same! Wouldn't you smile for senpai? Hum?" He notices you, who run off to the vending machine on the midway of the run and buy something for them to drink.

"No." You bluntly said, whether he is a senpai or not, your smile wouldn't appear unless something happy occurs to you. He sulks a bit before entering the gym, silently cursing Sugawara under his breath. Hinata gets up from the ground, cursing that the competition between them ended with a draw.

Kageyama replies while catching his breath, saying that he won't lose to him. You had enough of this argument of who is better than the other so you walk into the gym with some milk and water bottle in your arm.

The milk is for Hinata because he always whines how he was short and pleaded you to remind him to have milk every day so he could become tall and not tease by other players. You place down the drinks and put them in a line, it feels satisfying for you somehow.

"Good morning." The four new members of the club greeted to no one in particular as they enter the gym. You pass a milk box, from the line of drink that you just form, to Hinata, who thank you and suck on the straw-like there is no milk left in the world. You notice Kageyama is staring intensely on the milk box that Hinata's holding.

"You can't have this! Grr!" Hinata, also notices Kageyama's stares, holding the milk box behind him to avoid the taller male stole it from him. Kageyama just tsked and turn the other away as he knew that the hyperactive boy wouldn't share it with him.

You look at the milk in front of you and look back to Kageyama who is sulking as he is waiting for the captain to arrive so they could do warm-ups. You were making a difficult choice here, you being a salty bitch or being a nice teammate. You are tempted to choose the first one but it will be nice to be a good and kind person sometimes.

Either I drink the milk myself and get taller or become a nice person I am and form a bond with him.

"Hey, catch." Kageyama turns to the source of the sound and saw you throwing a milk box to him, which he 'surprisingly' catch it and that I mean it hit him in the face, that makes Hinata laughs. "Take that, hahaha...ha." Hinata ended his laughter as he saw Kageyama is glaring at him. "Sorry, I thought you would catch it. But that's for you."

Kageyama mutter thanks before happily sucking the milk out of the box like a child who got a candy. After a while, the captain enters the gym and the rest of the team slowly enters the gym one by one. You might add that the captain is hot, I mean super hot, and is the kind of guy that you prefer.

"So, you're the girl that Sugawara and Tanaka were talking about lately."

"You're handsome."

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