19. A Truly Oblivious Moment or Two...

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Harry was bored. 

Ron and Mione were in Australia and Floo-calls were expensive. Draco was in France and there's only so many letters that poor Valpus can deliver a week. He was avoiding The Burrow because Molly suffocated him and it was awkward with Ginny. Dean and Seamus were in Ireland, Harry just third-wheeled with Nev and Hannah, the same with Blaise and Peanut, Pansy'd disappeared entirely, and his other friends were doing things.

He'd taken to helping George out in the shop, plus he'd finally decided to get Grimmauld Place redecorated so it wasn't pleasant to be amongst the dust and racket all day. That was Malfoy's fault. He'd come to Grimmauld Place before leaving for France because Harry was kneazle-sitting Pickle and Princess.

Malfoy had taken one look at the place and said, 'I can't possibly allow my babies to stay in this fucking dump.'

Harry laughed, until he realised Malfoy was serious. He promised he'd re-decorate.

'Make sure Pickle and Princess don't breathe in any dust or fumes,' Malfoy huffed.

During the day, Pickle and Princess had their very own designated kneazlery; Malfoy chose the colour scheme. It was full of climbing frames and toys and had an open window into the garden. Every evening, before Harry allowed them into the rest of the house, he cast thorough cleaning spells throughout. Harry thought they were the most spoilt cats in the Europe.

'So, what's with you and Malfoy?' George asked one day. Harry'd just received a letter and was reading it in the store room. He tended to hide in the back because people got a bit excited when the Saviour of the Wizarding World served them at the till.

'We've become really good friends,' Harry answered, distracted by Malfoy describing his local French market.

'Friends, eh?' George said.

'Yeah. Funny how things turn out...' Harry said, preoccupied with the colour-palette Malfoy had recommended for the sitting room.

'Funny...' George said.

A bit later, as Harry was making them both a cup of tea, George said, 'so Harry, you gonna get yourself a girlfriend?'

Harry wrinkled his nose. 'Hadn't really thought about it. But I haven't met anyone... No sparks...' He shrugged.

'Sure...' said George. 'No sparks...'

'What about you, George?' Harry knew there were women queueing up to ask George out, they seemed to see him as a sympathy case, like they could fix him or something. Harry didn't get it.

George frowned, 'no sparks either. Keep looking, eh?' he said.

'What about boys?' George said the next day.

'What about them?' Harry was replying to Malfoy about Pickle and Princess and how the house was progressing.

'You know, like Seamus and Dean?' said George.

'Haven't got a problem with it. It's cool.' He carried on writing. Then had a sudden thought, 'George, are you gay?'

'Me?' said George. 'Nooo...'

'Okay,' Harry said. 'Well, best get back to that stock-taking.'

George rolled his eyes.

The next day, when Harry was helping out on the till, George joined him. 'What about her?' he pointed to an attractive woman with long dark hair who was coyly making eyes at Harry.

Harry shrugged, 'not fussed.'

'Or her?' said George, nodding towards her friend with light-blond hair, she was chatting to a young girl who was very taken with the Pygmy Puffs.

'I like her hair,' Harry said. 'Not sure she's my type...'

'What is your type?' said George.

'Dunno.' Harry went over to help her. She promptly gasped and went doey-eyed. Definitely not, thought Harry.

The day after, Pansy came in. 'Hey, George,' she shouted into the shop. 'Oh, Harry, didn't see you there.'

'Hi, Pans, where've you been?'

'Oh, here and there.' She lowered her voice. 'Got myself a rich playboy,' she winked. 'How's Draco?'

'In France, still.'

'You must be missing him,' she said. 'Ah, George, there you are!'

'Thought I heard your seductive voice,' he smiled.

'I've had an idea for a special room product...' she said.

Harry'd only just found out about the special room. It was for adults only and just mentioning the room made him blush. George escorted her through a slightly disillusioned door that was kept very locked when children were in the store. Thankfully, Harry didn't need to think any further about it because some customers came in.

That night, Harry got a Floo-call from Ron. It was good news, progress was being made.

'When's the Ferret coming back from France?' Ron asked.

'Don't call him that!' Harry exclaimed, covering Princess's ears in case she heard Ron calling her daddy names. 'Don't know. Soon, I hope. I'm bored.'

'Maybe you should get yourself a girlfriend,' said Ron.

'What is it with everyone suggesting getting a girlfriend?' Harry moaned. 'I'm quite happy without a girlfriend, they complicate things, there's expectations and stuff...'

'What? Like sex?'

Harry grimaced, 'yeh, that sort of stuff. Hey, you won't believe what happened earlier. Pansy came into the shop...' They gossiped about Pansy until Mione overheard and told them off.

When the call ended, a rather familiar drawl said from behind him, 'are you talking about my oldest friend?'

'Malfoy!' Harry exclaimed.

They hugged forcefully, for maybe a second too long.

'Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?' Harry said, throwing himself down onto the sofa happily.

'Decided to come back a bit early; my new landlord said I could pick up the keys for my flat tomorrow.' He scooped up Pickle who purred loudly. Princess glared at Malfoy reproachfully. Malfoy looked around, 'I thought I recommended sage green for this room.'

'I didn't like it.'


'Well, I did. Just not for this room. Did my bedroom instead. Do you need somewhere to stay tonight? What about food? Have you eaten?'

They went down to the kitchen, neither pausing for breath between sentences.

'I brought you back some French cheese from that market I told you about and the bread's to die for...'

Phineas Black's portrait rolled its eyes...


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