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There are three most important things when it comes to writing: research, timing, and usage of words:

1. Research whether it's fiction or non-fiction. If you're writing straight news article, imagine mis-numbering the number of positive active cases of a virus. What will happen? A disaster. Misinformation. Spread of panic and paranoia. And you will lose your credibility as a writer.

Now that doesn't mean that because you're writing a fiction, you wouldn't do your research. Aside from helping you to decrease the chances of a writer's block, research also prevents you from writing false information. After all, even fantasy novels are based on reality. Example, you're writing a samurai character from Tokugawa Shogunate era of Japan but you didn't know what is katana or that there are different katanas. Chances are, Japanese people or anyone who are knowledgeable with Japanese culture will criticize your work for poorly-researched book. It would create plot holes as well.

2. Timing. With proper timing of scenes and used of words you could make an unattractive plot into an interesting story telling. Remember when you've been taught in journalism class that headlines and novel lead are important in order to gain reader's attention? Because even in fiction writing timing is the key.

Timing in fiction writing is essential in particular to one genre - Mystery-Thriller. You're writing a crime novel, when should you put the clues and all of that foreshadowing? Too early and the readers might guessed the answers even before they reached the revelation of the plot twist. Too late and your readers might feel cheated on with that cheap trick - or worse it might leave unnecessary plot holes.


Under the timing is the transition. When are your going to bog down the readers with information? What type of paragraph(s) is/ are needed in order to smoothly continue forward to the next scene, data, or dialogue (Informative, Narrative, Descriptive, Verbatim)? How short or long each sentences? Is it slow-paced or fast-paced? Does the scene is starting to get dull and in need of change of tone or atmosphere?

3. Prose. This is the last thing, as you can see I didn't put the grammar here since proof readers and copy editors would be provided whether you're writing for a local news publication company, online websites, or publishing book house. However grammar is important in order to convey your words and message clearly.

I still believe amongst these three that timing is the most important in writing. BUT, while timing provides the structure, the prose provides the details and polishing. How to color your writing? Use strong verbs/ nouns. Strong but not ambiguous. How to set the tone/ atmosphere? Be conversational, start with a controversial topic, recycle clichés/ tropes, use the reactions of people (characters).

How to evoke emotion? Injustice of the situation always always gets the audience riled up, frustrated, and in tears. "If only X happens, Y wouldn't happen." Insert words that shows denial and acceptance. (Five stages of grief).

              | Tell me that story again - the one where the world ends how it began with a boy who loves a girl and a girl who loves a boy. And she is deaf and he is blind and he tells her he loves her over and over and she writes him every day but never hears a thing back. |

-Lang Leav; Lover's Paradox, The Universe of Us


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