49. Emerald

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Authors note


Good songs for this chapter

His Rope - Burial

Enjoy xoxo

-lit doorways and escape ways

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-lit doorways and escape ways.

Narrator's POV
June 9th
3:33 Pm

The now halfway burnt candles still lighting the more dim halls of the mansion, Abel managed to get Chase out of the bed for the day, they actually showered together, Abel making sure Chase knows he's not in any of this alone.

Emerald still has not returned from her errands sending an anxious feeling through the both of them but Abel pushes these feelings away reminding Chase, Emerald needs some time to her self too, that she was closer to Alex than anyone else in the house, because they both were in similar predicaments, and even though Alex only ever liked guys Abel could have sworn to himself that something was growing between Emerald and Alex.

Chase stands inside Abel's room; his room being the one with the joining restroom: he pulls the white cotton T shirt over his curls covering his bare torso causing Abel to blurt out a "tsk" sound.

Chase turns around to catch Abel standing in the bathroom door from with no shirt on and just his towel around his fit waist line causing Chases eyes to become daggers.

Chase can't help but take a few steps closer to Abel, the heat of Abel's torso calling chase in at a level he didn't know he was prepared for today.

Abel brings his damp arms around chase placing a kiss on his forehead.

Abel: What's the matter.

Chase shakes his head within Abel's grasp trying to push the question away so he can enjoy this solitude he all of a sudden has found within Abel's arms.

Abel tightens his grip for a few moments before letting go.

Abel: Alright babe, I got to get dressed, Emerald could be here soon and I want to ask her what I need to as soon as possible, even if that means the moment she walks into the door, I'll do it, my mind is fully focused on getting us the fuck out of here Chase, I can't have another restless night underneath this ceiling against my own will.

Chase stands behind Abel caressing his arms from behind.

Chase: I understand Abel, I want out nearly as much as you, I've lost a sense of myself in this house, I mean yeah I got to experience the most profound love I have ever come across, but within all the yang, some how the yin is throwing everything off balance to a point where I haven't slept in a week, and you and I both know why that is.

Abel pauses, his breaths becoming softer.

Abel turns around, facing chase once more, this time planting a kiss on chases lips, making it short and and sweet, he quickly pulls away rushing to one of his dressers in the room; pulling out a pair of boxers: quickly putting them on underneath the towel, letting the towel fall shortly afterwards.

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