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Third Person POV

(Lizzy and Tati)

Stepping out the car as paparazzi surrounded the building, fixing her dark.

Making her way over to Lizzy

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Making her way over to Lizzy. Her hair perfectly styled as the dress hugged her figure. Interlocking their fingers together, "we got this" Tatiana whispers.

Walking up the stairs as they continued to calmly ignore the cameras in their face

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Walking up the stairs as they continued to calmly ignore the cameras in their face.
Today being finally the day they've prayed for and longed for. The day their husbands would be free.


"So daddy is coming back today!" Laura yells excitedly, "yes! Now will you sit down" Alexis laughs as she served breakfast, the sound of knocking breaking her thoughts before rushing to the door. Swinging it open her brows furrow, "ciao bella" (hello beautiful) the man smiles...

(The judge)

"I have to get going now" the man says grabbing his briefcase, turning to face his wife, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss, "be careful please" she says pleadingly, "are the bags packed?" He questions, sadly nodding her head, "yes" she sighs, "good, I'll be back" he sighs before walking off. Making his way to the car, stepping in shutting his door he freezes at the barrel of the gun at the back of his head, looking up the rear view mirror, his eyes wide as he looked at the detective, "what's going on?" He questions, "well I came to tell you our business is done" he spits before pulling the trigger making his body fall over to the wheel. Looking at the man in disgust as blood dripped down his face....

Sitting in the courtroom, Alexander and Marco walking past them dressed in their black suits. The court rising as instructed, the door swings open making Tatiana's eyes widen, the lawyer looking over to her in question. Sitting down, "where's the judge?" Lizzy questions in panic, "I don't know" Tatiana says nervously.
The woman plopping down in front of them.
"Signore e signori. Come sappiamo il giudice Balbi era il giudice per questi casi. Mi dispiace informarti che è stato trovato morto questa mattina nella sua macchina. quindi da oggi in poi sarò io a occuparmi del caso" (ladies and gentlemen. As we know Judge Balbi was in charge of these cases however I am sad to inform you that he was found dead this morning in his car. Therefore from this day onwards I will be the one in charge of the case) the woman says as Tatiana's eyes remained wide in horror.
"Poiché non sono a conoscenza del caso e delle prove fornite prima di questo giorno, sarebbe difficile prendere una decisione su ciò che potrebbe essere stato presentato oggi. pertanto rinvierò questo caso fino a nuovo avviso" (since I have no in-depth knowledge about this case and the evidence presented prior to this day it would be difficult to make a ruling based on what the court is presented with today. Therefore these cases will be postponed until further notice. Court is adjourned) she says getting up from the seat. "Tatiana's eyes wide in disbelief, "Tati what's going on!" Lizzy calls out, "The judge is dead, and she decided to postpone the case" she says in panic.

Making their way home in complete silence, unable to utter a word as they both drowned in their thoughts. Driving through the gates their brows furrow at the Black Range Rover, "are you expecting anyone?" Lizzy questions, "not at all" Tatiana says in confusion before parking. Stepping out the vehicle as they made their way inside the house. Lizzy's brows furrow at the man in front of her, before turning to face a now wide eyed Tatiana with a gun in her hand, "tell me why I should not blow your brains out" she gulps. A smirk playing on Antonio's face, "still a feisty little one I see" he says teasingly placing the cup of coffee down the table, turning to face a confused Lizzy, "ah you must be Mrs Wilson, I'm Antonio" he smiles making Lizzy's eyes widen in horror, Alexis now standing in horror. "No need for the hostility, I just want to talk to Mrs Giordano" he says taking a bite of a biscuit. Tatiana tightly holding onto the silver 9mm, "beautiful gun by the way" the compliments, "but if you don't put it down and let me talk, it will rain bullets, right this moment" he grits now impatient. Sending him a glare, "ladies" she calls out, "please leave us" she asks, "are you sure?" Lizzy questions, remaining silent for a moment as she stared into the man's eyes, "yes" she breaths. Reluctantly leaving the room. Tatiana lowering her gun before making her way to the couch. "What do you want" she questions coldly, "what a way of welcoming an old friend" he chuckles, "just get to the fucken point" she spits. His face immediately going cold, leaning over, "I want what's mine" he says coldly, Tatiana raising her brow at his words, "you and your husband took EVERYTHING from me, you killed my brother and my father, I lost everything because of you but most of all you took my seed" he spits, "you know that won't happen" she says making him chuckle, "then you will never have peace" he says, shaking his head in disbelief, "you changed their names and even gave them your last name, MY FLESH AND BLOOD" "THEY ARE MY KIDS!" She cuts him off, "let's be honest you never loved them, you could never care for them let's not pre-" "IT DOES NOT MATTER THEY ARE MY FLESH AND BLOOD!" He yells as she looked up at him in disgust. Getting up from his seat, making his way over to her. Looking down at her, a smirk playing on his face. "You don't remember do you?" He says, raising her brow at him in confusion. A chuckle escapes his lips, squatting down to stare into her eyes, their faces inches away from each other. "You were so coked up that I doubt you could hear anything" he says, "I paid you a visit while you were Emilio's bitch" he spits, "when I saw you i thought so much about the ways I could make you pay, how I could break you" he smirks, "but because you were so coked up I just enjoyed what I most wanted" he whispers sadistically as the images began playing in her head, "how you moaned for me to stop, how I can never forget how good you felt" he spits, reaching over her breasts she quickly slaps the hand away. "Don't touch me" she spits now with teary eyes, getting up from his position. Looking down at her, "you and your husband have your own kid now, give me my kids. Either that or I kill you all, it's all in your hands" he smirks before walking off. Hearing the door shut as she breathed out, tears now streaming down her face as the scenes played themselves over in her head, an episode she hadn't had in a long time....

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