Just A Few Inches(25)

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Dipper POV

The sun woke me for the second time this summer, a sad thought really, I wish I could have more mornings like this.

I took a deep breath, running my hands through the grass lightly twisting the strains under my palm together. Keeping my eyes closing to enjoy the very last moment of this morning.

"I know you're awake, open your eyes."

The voice shocked me out of the piece I had woken up to. Quickly I opened my eyes to met the stare of my new yellow hair friend bent over me, just like he had been the day we met.

"Is watching me sleep a habit of yours?" I grumbled my voice still hoarse from waking up.

He barked sitting back on his haunches, "you sound like shit, what'd you do swallow a frog?"

I pushed myself up on my forearm and rubbed the sleep out the corners of my eyes, "shut up." I huffed trying to clear my throat.

"You know your grunkles are still looking for you out here, you shouldn't be sleeping out in the open likes this." He said it was a bit more serious than before.

"Ok dad." I muttered jokingly but the moment I said it his face contorted, disgusted.

"No, don't call me that, that's weird."

I busted out laughing.

He chastises me hitting my arm lightly.

It felt normal again, like when he would come to my window or the desk in the shake while I worked.

I couldn't help feel at ease, and I'm sure he felt the same. Out of all the years of reading his writings I found it pretty easy to read his body language. I don't know what the others see as so terrifying in him, he was so open and curious when we met, and even as we talked over my weeks of confinement he showed me nothing but kindness and understanding. He was just looking for someone to talk to.

And then he told me about Milo, I freaked and ran away when I should have stay, I should have stay and talked to him more about it, I could tell he hadn't even thought about Milo for a long time and then he felt like he could share that with me. Yet I basically slap him in the face because I didn't want to feel cooped up under someone's misguided protection.

But was it really so misguided? I'm not really sure anymore.

All that's happened with my grunkles, and Bill. My family and total strangers were out searching for me day and night because they were worried about me.

I can't help but worry about Mabel, what this might be putting her through, she must be in so much pain.

"Pinetree." He hummed, breaking me from my thoughts.


"What were you thinking about?" he asked, leaning forwards on his palms, whatever he had been talking about forgotten.

"Not what, who really. I can't really help but worry about my sister Mabel." I answered.

He simply raised a brow, "Her?"

"Yes, I'm just worried I'm putting her through a lot with all this." I sighed.

"You know she's been part of the group of men hunting you right??" he asked, he looked confused.

"Ya but- she's my sister you know."

His head tilted, "No I don't know."

I hummed, "Well, just know it's different ok, much different for her and I."

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