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DAWN HAD NEVER FELT SO worried in her entire life. As soon as the message from Dumbledore arrived she began to pack as Remus did the same (whilst also trying to keep her calm, reassuring her that Arthur will be okay). Before they both used Floo Powder to arrive back at Grimmauld Place (the address Dumbledore had sent Dawn's siblings to). 

As soon as her feet touched the floor back in London, she rushed out of the living room and towards the room where she could hear her siblings arguing with Sirius (the kitchen). Remus was hot on her heels, but providing her with the space that she needed as she crashed into the kitchen, stopping the arguing and causing Ginny to instantly run into her arms.

"Any news?" Dawn asked frantically, stroking Ginny's back soothingly. 

"No," Fred shook his head.

"And Sirius won't let us go to St. Mungo's," George added, looking annoyed.

"Where's mum?" Dawn questioned, looking between the kids.

"Dumbledore is suppose to be letting her know right now," Sirius spoke up, he looked between Dawn and Remus but decided that this wasn't the time for that, so he kept a serious look on his face as he spoke, "That's why you can't go. She doesn't know yet but the kids do, it'll raise too many questions."

Dawn looked perplexed, "Wait, what?" She asked, looking between the kids before she spotted Harry standing behind Sirius, a pale look on his face, his pyjama shirt covered in sweat. 

"Why does that matter?" Fred suddenly questioned, glaring at the older man.

"It matters because we don't want to draw attention to the fact that Harry is having these visions of things that are happening hundreds of miles away," Sirius replied in a stern voice, "Have you any idea what the Ministry would make of this information?"

"He's right."

Everyone's eyes landed on the oldest Weasley child; even Ginny looked up at her sister with a shocked expression.

"What?" George asked, his eyes wide, "Dawn this is--"

"Our dad," She cut him off, "I know that George, but Sirius is right," Dawn told him sternly, "Mum must be only just getting ready to go see him, it'd be best for her to see him first. Especially in the state that he must be in now, I'm sure he wouldn't want us to see him like that."

"But it's our dad dying we're talking about!" Fred yelled.

"He isn't dying!" Dawn shouted back after noticing the fresh tears in Ginny's eyes. Bringing the younger girl closer she looked over the top of Ginny's head at the twins, "He isn't. He's going to be okay."

"Your father knew what he was getting into," Sirius added, his patience clearly thinning, Dawn didn't blame him, she knew how stubborn the twins were (they always had been) and she didn't know how long they were all there for, "He won't thank you for messing things up for the Order. This is how it is. This is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - somethings are worth dying for."

"Easy for you to say!" Fred bellowed, "I don't see you risking your neck."

Sirius sighed, "I know it's hard, but we've all got to act as though we don't know, yet. We've got to stay put, at least until we hear from your mother, alright?"

The kitchen became deadly silent.

The twins looked back at their older sister who nodded at them, tears fresh in her eyes as she kept their gazes. With a deep sigh, both Fred and George plopped down onto two chairs at the kitchen table. Dawn sent them a thankful smile as she looked over at Ron; he had his head in his hands and refused to make eye contact with anyone. Harry was looking down at his shoes, his face pale and his eyes bloodshot. Ginny was still tightly wrapped in Dawn's arms, and the older redhead could feel her small frame shaking as she cried. 

Sirius and Remus silently walked over to the fridge, taking out some food and bottles of Butterbeer as everyone else gathered at the table. Ginny had finally managed to calm down and fell asleep with her head on Dawn's lap as soon as the two females sat down. Remus stood behind Dawn's chair, his hands on the back of it as his presence seemed to bring her comfort. 

All of the sudden, a bright flame appeared above the table, the same flame that appeared back in Dawn's flat in Romania. Sirius reached forwards and grabbed the feather and envelope before either could hit the surface of the table, "Fawkes," He muttered, reading the top of the envelope, "This isn't Dumbledore's writing, it must be a message from your mother. Here--" He passed the envelope to Dawn.

The oldest redhead tore it open as everyone's eyes (apart from Ginny's) watched her intently. Scanning the words she began to read them aloud, "Dad is still alive. I am setting out for St. Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will sent news as soon as I can. Mum."

"Still alive..." George repeated the words, "That makes it sound like..."

"George, don't say that," Dawn spoke in a soft voice, "He's going to be okay, you hear me? He's going to be absolutely okay."

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