Chapter 28

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"Goddammit Taeil, can you drive any faster?" Jiayi yelled to the poor male whose hands were already shaking. Ayeon silently sat in the back, looking out the window.

He'll be alright, he's strong, Ayeon told herself.

Jaehyun didn't mention how bad Donghyuck and Jeno's injuries were, but they must have been bad since Taeyong immediately ordered Taeil and Jiayi to go on site to help Jaemin who was completely overwhelmed and only had Jisung to assist him.

The other phoenixes had sped past them earlier on their bikes, weapons completely loaded in their jackets, with the exception of Johnny, who was driving their truck. Taeyong had told them to be extra careful since their rivals had guns.

Soon they arrived at the warehouse where the phoenixes were already done taking down the rival gang. Renjun and Ten were spraying a large phoenix at the front while Jisung and Jaemin were surrounding the two bodies lying on the ground.

Jiayi and Taeil quickly hopped out, grabbing the two first-aid kits from the back before making their way to Jaemin.

Ayeon quickly followed them and felt her heart drop when she saw Donghyuck's shirt completely stained with blood. Jaemin had already ripped it open, exposing the bullet wound in his abdomen. Ayeon sat by his side, holding onto his hand.

Meanwhile, Jeno had a hand covering his eyes as Jisung held pressure on his leg.

"Status, please?" Jiayi said, opening her kit and taking Jaemin's place.

"Pulse is weak, lost a lot of blood, doesn't look good. Bullet is lodged in the ribs and I have yet to remove it." Jaemin rambled.

"How does he feel?" Taeil asked, taking Jiayi's side.

"He's been unconscious since Mark got him out of there." Jaemin said as he stood up, wiping his blood stained hands on his black jeans.

"Jaemin, take Jeno and whatever you need for him. We got this." Jiayi commanded. Jaemin didn't hesitate, taking Taeil's kit and heading towards Jeno.

"Come on, Donghyuck." Ayeon whispered, clutching his hand tightly with one hand, brushing his brown bands with the other.

Donghyuck looked peaceful, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. If Ayeon didn't feel his faint pulse, she would have been convinced that he was gone.

The sight was absolutely heartbreaking. Donghyuck hadn't even received the news that they could be together officially now and that she had passed all five tests to become a Phoenix.

Ayeon blinked back the tears in her eyes, wanting to stay strong in front of the other gang members but deep down, she felt like she could cry for weeks.

"Sorry, Ayeon, but I'm going to have to take your spot." Taeil told her. Ayeon nodded her head, giving Donghyuck a gentle kiss on his temples before standing up and moving away for Taeil.

"Ayeon, why don't you help Renjun and Ten." Johnny suggested from behind her. He had just parked the truck, two more first-aid kits in his hands.

"Alright." Ayeon said, heading towards where Renjun and Ten were. Renjun turned and gave her a small smile as he passed her a spray can.

"Want to help?" Renjun asked. Ayeon nodded, taking the can from his hands.

"It'll help take my mind off it." Ayeon said.

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