Fake Love

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Fake Love


I never expected that this would happen. Why was I supposed to date the delusional stalker? That too, a fake relationship! I'd date a pig for god's sake, but not her! Not that she's ugly or anything but-


Anyway... I didn't have any choice now, did I?

I got home after the meeting. Looking at how I agitated Mr Bang, he would've most probably kicked me from the boardroom straight into my bed. But of course that didn't happen, what good would that do to his company? I was the ace of the company when it came to acting. Not that I'm boasting, but it is true. Plain facts.

I groaned when I heard a knock on my door, "Hyung?"

I rolled my eyes as he poked the PIN number in and walked towards me. He looked like he had a long day, tanned and sweaty.

"Did you go to the beach?" I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering where the hell he had been while I was stuck in a dreadful meeting.

"What?" Jungkook gave me a genuinely confused look, "No. I went shopping. For Jisoo Noona."

I felt my eyes roll to the point that I could see the back of my head, "Ugh, what's it with you? I still can't believe you're letting her live with you. Anyway, why are you here?"

"Jaehee Noona called." Jungkook licked his lower lip. Ah, I knew where this was going. But did I want any part of it? NO. "She told me, about the fake relationship."

"Yeah, well, I ain't doing that shit." I waved my hands, "I have better people to date than her-"

I don't know what exactly happened but Jungkook looked like her might turn into hulk any second now. The vein in his neck was popping pout and his fingers were clenched into tight fists. And his voice dropped an octave, "I think it's the other way around, hyung. She's not interested in you. She still doesn't know that the agency wants to meet her, but if she gets to know why then she's most probably run away from this town than to be in a relationship with you."


"You want me to feel hurt? That's her loss, not mine. Every woman, and to some extent men, want to be with me, so whatever." I concealed the sting in my heart with my sharp words.

Jungkook let out a deep breath, "Fine, it's none of my business. I'm nothing but a bodyguard and I'll never understand the lives of celebrities." He began walking towards the front door.

"Hey, have dinner with me." I yelled out.

"Oh, sorry, hyung." He said without turning back, "I promised Noona that I'll be having dinner with her."

Wow, okay, then.

"Fine, get out!"

But before I could say it completely, he had already closed the door. I sighed and melted into the couch.

She's turning my life into hell and it's only the first day.


Jungkook had dinner with me, as promised. And I thought him how to make some simple recipes that would help when he was alone. He quite enjoyed the food, I could see it on his face that had a smile throughout dinner.

Before we parted ways into our own bedrooms, Jungkook called out for me, informing that we had to go over to the agency building.

"Why me though?" I frowned, quizzically.

"Um... it's about the scandal." Jungkook's voice trailed off, "Mr Bang wants to meet you."

"Oh... but I thought the news was cleared?" I said, suddenly feeling nervous.

Even though my head was swirling with more questions, I stopped asking them when I saw the look of uneasiness on Jungkook's face. I sighed and agreed, making a smile light up on his face.

I entered the agency building with Jungkook. On my way in, I saw a group of fans standing outside holding banners of Taehyung. It was just like the group I saw outside the apartment yesterday, but larger. However, they broke into whispers when they spotted me walking beside Jungkook.

"Jungkook! Good to see you!" The receptionist purred, tapping her manicured nails against the keyboard even though her eyes were on him. I could see the awkward smile on Jungkook's face and pursed my lips, observing the tensed exchange.

"Uh, same here." He scratched the back of his neck, "We're here to meet Mr Bang."

Her eyes finally fell upon me, eyeing me up and down, "Ah, I see." She said as though she figured the reason. It was hard to sense what she was feeling at that moment, so I stayed quiet without overthinking.

She stood up from her chair and gestured us to follow her. Her hips swayed and heels clicked against the floor as she took us to the elevator. Once we got into the elevator, I looked over Jungkook's face. His neck was red and so were his ears.

"He's in his office." She stated, once Jungkook and I walked out. When the doors slid shut, the man next to me let out a deep breath, the redness slowly fading away.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he sighed, "I thought I was gonna die in the lift. She always flirts with me and I become a mess."

I shook my head with amusement and followed him to the office. Two knocks later, I heard a muffled, elderly voice from the inside, "Come in."

Jungkook opened the door and let me in first before closing the door behind us, "Good morning, Mr Bang."

"Morning, Jungkook. So this is the cousin that stirred up the nation's news, huh?" It was not a rude tone but rather a slightly amused one.

"Uh, yes. Forgive me, I'm Choi Jisoo." I smiled at the older man sitting behind his neatly organised desk, "I'm really sorry for the mess I made... I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Oh, dear. Please take a seat, kids." He pointed at the two chairs in front of his desk and we obliged, "Did Jungkook tell you the reason I asked for you?"

I looked over at the nervous expression on Jungkook's face and then shook my head.

"Are you willing to date Taehyung?"


Guys... I'm not sure if you're liking the story or not...

Please comment what you think about it so far and pleaseeeeee do feel free to give me any feedback on this book!! I'd love to read them!!!!

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