15 March, 1980 - Warning

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Lavinia offered no explanation as she walked straight to the bathroom, turned the water on as hot as it would go and took what was quite possibly the longest shower of her life. When she finally convinced herself to get out, which was a process in and of itself, her skin was red and tender from an all too intense scrubbing she hadn't been able to resist. But at least she felt better. Her head felt clearer too, like the steam from the shower had flushed out the worst of the panic and left something quiet and determined in its place.

Taking a deep breath, she got dressed in the softest, most comfortable clothes she had before returning to the living room, desperately trying to put her head on straight before she came to where Remus and Sirius were now talking in hushed and worried voices. Which she supposed was her fault because she had just run in and gone straight for the bathroom, which probably didn't inspire confidence. And she had no doubt she'd looked a mess when she'd come in the door.

But maybe they'd think it was just a long day. Maybe they'd let her brush this off. She couldn't decide whether or not that was what she wanted. Truth be told, she didn't want to explain what had happened, not least because Sirius was liable to do something stupid if he found out. But she also didn't want to admit how easily they'd grabbed her. Or how quickly they'd gotten under her skin. Not to mention the fact that she didn't at all want to think about what she'd do if Dumbledore couldn't help her. If he couldn't protect Sirius... Well. She would be face with a very simple but very difficult choice: was his life worth the price of turning traitor? And she honestly didn't know the answer to that.

Which was perhaps why Lavinia's heart stumbled once again at the sight of Sirius and her resolve to beg Dumbledore on hands and knees doubled down even as her stomach resumed its rather uncomfortable twisting.

We'll make sure Black gets what he deserves.

Yes, she needed to get to Dumbledore. Now.

Well. Maybe not now now because she would really like a cup of tea first but soon. Very soon. Even if it meant going back to Hogwarts. Even if it meant remembering all the things that had happened in those halls. The price didn't matter. She had to do this. She had to protect him.

"Long day?" asked Sirius from the couch.

Lavinia gave him a flat stare and considered making a snarky comment about that, but... but she didn't want to explain this to him. And even if she had, she didn't know where to begin. So she just sighed and nodded and went into the kitchen.

When she reemerged with tea in hand, neither boy had moved and both were watching her carefully as though trying to judge whether or not she was in a good enough mental state to deal with something. She frowned at them, inhaling the honey and chamomile scent from tea. It was calming and settled something that had been jangling loose in her ever since she'd first seen Mulciber in Diagon Alley. So she took another deep breath and braced herself.

"Spit it out," she murmured, unable to keep the resignation from her voice.

The two boys glanced between each other before Sirius gestured to Remus. "It's your news, mate," he said.

Lavinia's hands tightened on her mug. News. She did not want news right now. She wasn't sure if she could handle more things going wrong today because everything was already in pieces and she had enough things she had to fix without adding something else to the list. Then again, at least any news they had couldn't ruin her day anymore than it had already been ruined.

"I was attacked by some Death Eaters today," Remus started. Lavinia stilled, fighting to keep her face neutral. Had there been some sort of coordinated attack on multiple people? Had anyone else been targeted? Did that mean she wasn't the only one they'd tried to recruit? And if so, did that mean they might pursue her a little less? If she was one of many sources, or attempted sources, anyway, maybe they would let her go a little more easily, since she wouldn't be considered essential. Merlin, she hoped so. Even if it seemed slightly unlikely that Rowle would ever let her just walk away.

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