Sick Day [S.H.]

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It was a normal occurrence for you to randomly pop in to see Steve. It became the norm not too long after you started dating. You were hesitant to just waltz in unannounced, but he assured you long ago that he didn't mind. He always loves seeing you any chance he gets, so it's not an inconvenience to him whatsoever.

And since you hadn't seen him in a good two days (mostly due to studying and how tired the two of you got after school), you thought it would be nice to see him for a bit.

You figure it might be good for both of you to have some time together. Honestly, you weren't entirely sure how you'd spend your time, but it was nice being with him, even if you two just cuddled all day.

When you call out on your way up the stairs, there's no response, and that worries you a little. Rationally, you know he's probably fine (or that he probably just hadn't heard you). Either way, you carefully walk up to his room and peek in.

"Steve, you look awful!" you exclaim.

Steve is sprawled across the entire bed, and he looks pale. Not to mention he seems to be sweating, even with the blankets strewn across the floor.

"Well hello to you, too," he croaks, shifting so he's actually facing you. Even doing that seems to take more energy than he can afford using.

You sigh and press the back of your hand to his forehead. "If I'd known you were sick, I would have brought some soup or something."

He's definitely warmer than usual (which is saying something), and you can't help but fret over him.

"I didn't want to worry you," he says. But you know it's a lot more than that. After countless nights staying up together, rambling about anything and everything, you know he's had to deal with his problems on his own, more often than not. And it breaks your heart knowing he thought you couldn't be bothered with something this simple.

You've made up your mind. You're going to take care of him, whether he likes it or not.

"I'm here now, so I'm going to take care of you," you say. "I'm getting you some soup and medicine, and I'll be back before you know it."

The determination in your voice surprises him. "Babe, you really don't have to-"

You kiss his forehead and give him a stern look, which might normally make him laugh if it didn't hurt his throat to do so.

Before you head out, you get him comfortable and set up the TV for him, even if he insisted he could do it himself.

Once he's set for the time being, you quickly head to Melvald's for everything you need. Naturally, Joyce is behind the front counter, and there's a small handful of customers wandering the aisles.

You smile and wave politely before looking for anything might improve Steve's current state. It isn't long before you have an armful of items.

Joyce is quick to take notice of the items you have. "Is someone sick?" she asks. You always appreciate her concern. It's so genuine, which is nice for a change.

"Steve is. I'm making him stay in bed in the meantime."

"Well, you tell that poor boy I hope he gets better."

You know he'll appreciate the sentiment, even if he doesn't admit it, and assure her that you will.

Now stocked up on medicine and an array of canned soup, you make your way back to Steve's house. He's exactly where you left him, thankfully, and he brightens up the moment he sees you.

You kiss his cheek, noticing he's still unusually warm, and rifle through the bag. "I brought you some medicine."

The way he scrunches his nose in disgust makes you laugh.

"Do I really have to?" He whines like a little kid, and it's equally as comical. "That shit's disgusting."

"If you want to get better, then yes. Unfortunately."

Steve sighs dramatically, covering his face with his pillow. You vaguely make out a muffled, "I don't wanna!"

"Well, you still have to. I'm sorry." You're not. Not really. But you're well aware how much he hates taking medicine, and you can't exactly blame him. "I'm not kissing you while you're sick."

He tosses the pillow aside, giving you the saddest look you've probably ever seen. "What?"

"Steve, I'm not letting you get me sick." He whines, even though he knows you're right.

"Fine." Steve sighs and sits up as you pour the medicine for him.

He's quick to drink it in one go. He gags and scrunches his nose again, immediately handing back the cup. You laugh and kiss his cheek before going downstairs to warm his soup.

You don't exactly know why it ever came up, but you happened to know Steve really liked butternut squash soup. Either way you quickly get it warmed up and take the bowl up to him.

As he takes the soup, you sit next to him, more than happy to keep him company in the meantime.

You're mindlessly watching whatever he has playing on the TV. As soon as he's had his fill of soup, Steve set the bowl aside and wrapped his arms around you.

"You're the best, Y/N," he mumbles. "I really don't deserve you."

Your heart flutters at his words, and you can't help thinking he's adorable like this. You know how much it means to him that you stayed with him.

"I'm always here for you, Stevie."

He visibly melts at the nickname, even as he seems to be growing tired. "I love you so much."

All too quickly, he's falling asleep, his head resting on your shoulder. You want more than anything for this moment to last forever. If you had the ability, you'd make sure nothing else would hurt him. No more monsters, no more government conspiracies, nothing to keep Steve from being happy.

But for now, this is as close to that as you can get. Hopefully, he'll be well by tomorrow. He bounces back quickly, whether that's for better or for worse.

You smile softly and kiss his forehead as he snores softly. "I love you too, Steve."

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