Chapter 9

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Cordelia's eyes shot open, she took a deep breath, she was back in the greenhouse. She couldn't help smiling to herself as she cleaned up the remnants of the plants, and the rest of the spell. Myrtle had not been extremely helpful in a literal sense, but her words had inspired Cordelia. They usually had that effect. The supreme decided that she was going to do whatever she could to help Misty, she needed to get to the root of the problem, get Misty to open up to her more.

The four girls, Misty, Queenie, Zoe, and Mallory were having an amazing time, but Misty could not keep her mind off Cordelia. The supreme occupied her every thought these days, and she couldn't stop thinking about the events of that morning. The four witches were sitting at a restaurant waiting for their food. Misty had obviously tuned out, and the other three noticed. "Misty? Are you with us?" Mallory asked tentatively. The swamp witch did not respond. "Misty?" Zoe tried. Then Queenie prodded her on the arm, "Girl wake up." Misty looked around, "I'm sorry, what we were talking about?" The other three girls rolled their eyes. "Where did you just go?" Queenie asked bluntly. "I- I- nowhere, I'm right here. What are you talking about? I- was just um thinking." Quennie looked unconvinced, "Well what were you thinking about?" Misty went red, "Nothing". "Come on tell us" Mallory prompted. There was no response. "Was it Cordelia?". Misty looked at Zoe alarmed, "Why would I be thinking about her?" she mumbled. Queenie and Zoe shared a pointed look before Zoe nodded. "You guys just spend a lot of time together, like a lot of time together". Misty went even redder, "So? That doesn't mean I have to think about her all the time, It's not like we're dating." So that was a straight-up lie. "Okay then." Queenie said, still obviously not convinced. The rest of the day went really smoothly for the four of them. Mallory and Misty were very similar, and they hit it off really well.

At one point Queenie and Zoe went off into a store together, leaving Mallory and Misty alone, giving the two a chance to get to know each other a bit better. Misty asked Mallory, "So what brought you to Miss Robichaux's? How did you learn about it? What powers do you have?" Misty was eager to get to know the new witch, the potential friend. She hadn't had many, if any friends before, but she felt safe with the witches like she had finally found her people. Mallory blinked, she didn't know where to start, she was still adjusting to the fact that no one knew her. "Well my parents caught me floating in my sleep, they thought I was a devil worshipper, they sent me away. They didn't want anything more to do with me.", Mallory said with a small smile. Misty looked down, "Yeah my parents didn't like my gift either. They um... They burned me at the stake". Mallory's eyes widened, "They killed you? Wait how are you-". Misty sighed and looked away bitterly, "Yes, they killed me, my family, and my community murdered me. And I brought myself back, I have the power of resurgence." She ended unenthusiastically. Mallory took Misty's hand, "You are so brave, Misty. I am so glad you brought yourself back. That is an amazing gift. I can't wait to get to know you better". Misty looked into Mallory's eyes and smiled softly, "Thank you, Mallory, I can't wait to get to know you better as well". They talked for a while after that, sharing about their pasts, and they discovered they have a lot in common. Their conversation was interrupted as Queenie and Zoe joined the group again.

It was dinnertime. Cordelia sat at her table, impatiently waiting for Misty and the other students. Slowly the girls started trickling in, in groups of friends. They all signed in at the door, a precaution Cordelia took so she would know if anyone was missing. The supreme greeted several students but was distracted, still waiting for misty. The four witches Cordelia had been waiting for entered the room dead last. She noticed Mallory and Misty were quite close to each other. The four of them joined the Supreme, and dinner commenced. Misty was sitting next to the supreme. The conversation over dinner had turned to old relationships. Queenie was ranting animatedly about this one guy no one knew. Misty was half listening, she was still thinking about Cordelia 24//7. The young witch slowly slid her hand over to land on Cordelia's thigh. Misty gave a small smirk and a wink at Cordelia, who blushed furiously. Zoe noticed the exchange and smiled to herself.

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