Chapter 30

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She rode her horse quickly into the courtyard, tears streaming down her face as she effortlessly slid from the horse. The pit of her stomach was in upheaval of nausea and heat crept up her body. She shut the door to her chamber. Anger and nerves took the best of her and quickly she took to the nearby chamber pot and wretched until she had nothing left in her stomach. Gavin took two steps at a time and quickly sought her out until he found her crouched in the corner on the floor.

He knelt before her and tried to get close but she lashed out at him. She stood and confronted him.

"Brienna, please let me...." he began.

She rared her hand back and slapped him hard across the face.

He was thrown back by the slew of curses and insults that came from her lips as she unleashed her fury on him.

He tried to hush and quiet her anger by holding her close.

"Is all this anger worth it to cause the death of someone Brienna? you nearly killed Katherine," he fumed.

With a sadistic grin she shook her head.

"I wasn't aiming for her, I was aiming for you," Her eyes burned into his.

"The snake was coincidental, " she sneered.

Pulling away from his astonished stare she stepped back to look at him.

He decided it was best to leave her alone until she came to reason. He wanted to avoid words they would later regret saying to one another.

"When your calm love, we will talk," he spoke.

She said nothing. She just waited for him to leave.


The days that followed were torturous for him, he had no sleep, no peace and sexually he was frustrated. She refused to speak to him.

She woke up at the break of dawn every morning in her training attire, never looks his way when she trains and held him at a disaffecionate distance as if he were non existent. He was furious.

He observed her daily and she did not look well as if she did not sleep at all. He was very concerned and he wanted to hold her, caress her and kiss her. But, she kept him at arms length.

Deep down he battled with his inner thoughts he couldn't turn Katherine out, but he would have to find other accomodations for her. Because she was the cause of their feud.

Naan's heart dipped at the sight of Brienna. She was right in her suspicions. With a warming smile, she entered her chamber to ready her for the night. She gently cupped her cheeks and looked in to her sunken red rimmed eyes. What once held so much light and spirit held bleakness and heartache. She tried so very hard to play the valiant one, but stubborness was her plight because she would not back down.

The exhaustion in her eyes was evident because she immediately fell asleep.

He sat before the large fire in his solar. His miserable feelings he drowned with wine until his vision was boarding on haziness.

His head lulled back against the chair. Slowly drifting off to sleep, he heard the click of the door; but never bothered to open his eyes. After a while he felt the warm touch of fingers caressing his face. Enjoying the feel of them he sighed.

She wasnt angry with him anymore...

Warm lips from behind him slowly leaned over and grazed his lips gently and caressed his bare chest.

He groaned.

He enjoyed the feel of her and would enjoy every moment of her. Languidly his wine induced haze let her caress and kiss him.

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