Why Christianity?

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Hello again!!!

If I was randomly asked this question, I'd answer hastily with a "why not?". I'd answer this question with a hasty reply, but my answer is  far from it. I can answer this question easily because I'm sure of my answer, I've thought about it thoroughly and I see absolutely no reason not to be Christian. Growing up Christian made me naive, I wasn't exposed to much that made me feel different of God I didn't even think atheists existed. I grew up thinking everyone believes in God so when I was finally exposed to all these different beliefs, that's when I started getting doubts I told myself that there must have been reasons people didn't believe in God and if the world has no problem with these things then why should I care. I didn't choose to grow up Christian, but I chose to believe what I believe now, we have to stop being believers and become Christians. For so long many people, including myself, have been convinced being a believer is enough. Do good things and you'll go to heaven, that's what I thought but I was deceived and so are many other people, I believed in Jesus and I believed He died for me, I didn't understand why and I didn't care, all I knew was that he died so I could go to heaven. That was very ignorant on my part, I didn't accept Jesus into my heart, I didn't know anything about Him but I thought I was a Christian and I'm afraid many people think like I did. So to clarify, I chose Christianity because it doesn't lie to me, my beliefs aren't going to convince me I'm a good person nor will they tell me how I can be good enough for heaven because no one can live up to those standards, my religion isn't a feel good one, it's one that clarifies I'm weak and a bad person but it shows me that it's okay because God is willing to accept me despite my shortcomings, it's a religion that gives me a relationship with God not a list of things I need to get to heaven, I feel Him listening to me and I honestly believe I'll never find a love like His in any other religion. I can't accomplish anything worth accomplishing on my own and I don't want to, because Christianity gives me someone to depend on, someone who will love me even when I can't love myself and I think that's beautiful. Christianity isn't some self righteous religion that glorifies you for doing good deeds, it's honestly more of a relationship than a religion. How do I know that this is the right religion?? My Lord and savior died for me, granted death had no power over Him. Jesus Christ, God Himself died for me, He didn't tell me to be a good person, He didn't require me to earn my way into heaven because He knew I and everyone else who tried would fail. What other religion offers that? What other religion is as loving as Christianity? No other religion offers you a relationship like that, no other religion connects people to God like Christianity does. Christianity offers me a relationship as the only way to heaven. A relationship is deeper than just knowing someone, it's about respecting that person and listening to them, it's about being better for them and asking for help along the way and if my relationship with Jesus requires me to change everything about myself for Him then so be it because no other religion offers me a God who is willing to die for me. I don't think people understand how freeing it is to spread love, Christianity is loving everyone around me regardless of what they've done and although that can be very hard at times, it's also amazing how much love can change people and change us as well. In conclusion, there is absolutely no reason not to be Christian, the love I've experienced in being a follower of Christ is unlike any other.

I thought I should explain the whole concept of Jesus' death and its purpose. God is good to a standard that we as humans cannot reach, God is pure and because God is pure and good, he does not let any bad go without punishment. We as humans have proved that we cannot live a life free of sin and because of this we were all to be punished, but God loved us too much to let us go to hell like that so Jesus Christ came onto this world to save us from our sin and how does he do this, because God cannot let any sin go without punishment, He sent His son to earth so that he may take our punishment on Him so that if we choose to follow Him, if we let His holy blood wash our sins then we can gain eternal life because our punishment has already been served by Jesus Christ. Jesus took our punishment so that we may gain eternal life with God but Jesus won't force anyone to follow Him so please choose not to let His death be in vain, He died for you but he won't force you into an eternity with God if you don't want it.


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