Episode 39

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We have our bags packed away in the bus. The day we head to training camp has finally come. "Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However. Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra'."

"Yes, sir!" everyone says. I use one hand to tug at my skirt and put the other in the small pocket. Ochaco runs around excitedly. "I'm so psyched!" she jumps up and down in front of me and gets close to Midoriya. I know immeadiately that his claustrophobia and his respect for women has kicked in now that Ochaco is so close and his face turns extremely pink and he's developed an inability to keep eye contact. 

"O-oh, yea! It sure is close, huh?" he stutters.

"Hey what's the matter?" she asks him, wondering about his extremely red face now.

"Oh, it's just a little hot!" he bluffs and I can tell she's thinking about something. Her face runs red as well and she jumps up again.

"U-uh, let's here it for camp!!!" Ochaco shouts and moves about 10 yards away faster than I thought possible.

"Camp! Camp! Camp!!" she, Kamanari, and Mina shout.

"I heard some of Class 1-A is taking extra courses!! Does that mean they actually failed the final exams?! That must be so embarassing! Especially since you're supposed to be so much better than us! All of you must be wallowing in shame!!" I hear from Neito Monoma. He's the asshole from class 1-B if you didn't remember. Kendo, the same girl who told us we'd be fighting robots hits him in the back of the neck and he's out cold once again. Thank god Kendo did it. Otherwise I'd have to. 

"Don't mind him." she says and drags him towards their bus. 

"Monoma is scary." a girl from the crowd of Class B says.

"Oh the rest of Class 1-B!" Midoriya exclaims.

"Nice to see you outside of the sports festival! I guess it means we're not technically rivals huh?" a girl with green swampy colored hair says. Another blue eyed and black haired girl nods. 

"Time to get on the bus!" Kendo tells her class, dragging Monoma close behind her.

"The girls of Class A and Class B. It's like a buffet of bombshells." Mineta says, drooling as he watches the girls from Class B board there bus. 

"Dude, get yourself together. For real." Kirishima says.

"Disgusting." I stick out my tongue and I'm carefully guided away by Shoto.

"Attention! Class A our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!" Iida commands.

We ride the bus for a a good half hour before Mr. Aizawa begins speaking to us. "Alright here's the deal. We'll be on the bus for about another hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused." he turns his head.

"Why aren't we blastin' some music?!" Kaminari shouts. Everyone is in absolute chaos. I'm half asleep against Shoto, listening to music with him on a playlist filled with songs we each liked, Iida is yelling at everyone to get back in their seats for those who're standing, Toru, Mina, and Ochaco are taking pictures once again of us while I lazily swat them away, Midoriya is sitting with Iida, kinda scared at his growing irritation, Aoyama is a bit preoccupied with himself, Kirishima is next Kamanari on his phone, Kyoka and Yao-momo are talking quietly, Mineta is with Sato probably talking about girls and Sero is talking about everything he's seeing from out of the window with Oijiro, Bakugo's actually quiet for once and everyone else is mostly sitting quietly too if I didn't say otherwise. I have no idea how I got to sleep on that bus with that much going on. Mr. Aizawa groans in irritation. I think he feels more like a babysitter or father more than he feels like a teacher with our class.

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