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"Yes, daddy," Veronica rolled her eyes as she balanced her office phone between her shoulders and shuffled through all the paperwork on her desk, "Mhm, I know. Yes, I already did that. Did that too. Yeah, and that."

Her father had been calling her a lot more often after what happened on Thanksgiving. She knew it was his way of saying sorry without actually saying the words, well, that and sending a comically large flower bouquet with a Bloomingdale's gift card in it. He'd just been finishing up a cheque to get her a new car to take to work instead of commuting but she convinced him not to.

She was proud of herself and also a little scared. A couple of months ago she would have been the one asking that he buy her a car but now here she was refusing to let him do it. She hadn't even cashed in the gift card he'd gotten her but it wasn't because she was still upset with him.

She knew how her father was and for the most part he usually never yelled at her — his little girl was the apple of his eye. She hadn't used it because just like the American Express Platinum card she had forced herself to lock away, she was really trying to give the independence thing a fair shot.

She threw her head back as her father awkwardly tried to keep the conversation going before she smiled. At least he was trying. "Daddy, I need to go, okay? I have a meeting I need to get to."

"Okay, sweetie," She swore she heard her father sigh in relief, "You know, your mother was just telling me how she didn't think you were going to last another car offer. She told me if I offered one more time then that would be the one, you would break and come home. And I have to say I did agree with her but here you are proving us wrong. I'm proud of you honey."

Veronica hummed tightly as she bit her lip to keep from saying anything that would upset her father. They could think that she couldn't do this all they wanted to and she wouldn't have a problem with it so long as they didn't throw it in her face so much.

She slumped down in her chair as she slammed the phone down onto the landline. She tapped her fingers against her desk as her eyes filtered towards the bouquet of flowers in the corner of her office. She took a deep breath and snapped her gaze towards the window instead.

"Mary?" She paged her secretary, "Get me the newest edition of vogue."

She got up from her desk and plucked the Bloomingdale's gift card from the bouquet as she dialed their number on the landline. She needed a shopping spree after that conversation.

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Veronica walked into Central Perk with a smile on her face as she met up with the friends at their couch. She'd ended her workday with a Bloomingdale shopping spree that would be delivered to the apartment.

"Okay," Rachel called as she walked over to the group, "Any of you guys want anything else?"

"Oh, yes," Chandler looked up at her, "Could I have one of those-"

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