Chapter 22- ILY

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What just happened? Am I dreaming? If so I don't wanna wake up.

As far as I can tell, I'm currently pressed against the wall of Sean's music room. His arms engulf my waist, while mine are draped over his shoulder, my fingers entwined in his hair. His usually well-kempt black locks are now tousled from my hands, making him look very... attractive. I'm sure I look like a mess. I can feel how flushed my face is and how swollen my lips have become.

"I... are... am I dreaming?"

Sean chuckles and pulls me closer into his chest. "No, Rabbit. You are very much awake."

Ok... so that means...

"You... are you gay?"

"Yes, Luke. I thought that was obvious from the fact that I just kissed the fuck out of you."


How does one's brain function in this situation? The guy you've pined over for four years just takes your first kiss and you're supposed to come off all cool? Newsflash, I've never been cool so I have no clue how to function in this situation.

"I'm guessing we're about to have a serious conversation. How 'bout we go somewhere a bit more comfortable?" Sean whispers into my ear. He detaches his body from mine, while also entagling my hand in his. He gently leads me out of the room and across the hall to his bedroom.

He leads us to the bed and we just sit there calmly. Neither of us are eager to be the first to speak. My brain is still trying to put itself back together, and Sean is just kinda staring at me like he was back in the music room.

I take a deep breath before beginning. "Why... why did you kiss me?"

Sean looks at me like I've grown a third eye. "What do you mean?"

"Like, do you like me? Are you... interested in me? Or are you just trying to get me in bed? I'm sorry but if it's the latter, I'm not into that kinda stuff. I-It's fine if you a-are but I don't-"

Sean cuts off my rant by he pressing his lips against mine once more. Strangely, I immediately calm down and relax into him. His arms wrap around me and pull my very small body so that I'm sitting in his lap.

All too soon, Sean detaches his lips from mine. "No, Rabbit. I'm not looking to fuck you. I mean... I am but not just that." My cheeks blush at his words and I resist the urge to hide my face in his neck. "But, I also don't like you, Luke."

I swear my world just shattered in that moment. My earth was swallowed by a black hole, my heart collapsed into a million pieces, and I feel like I'm dying. "But... I-I thought..."

"Shhh, Luka. You didn't let me finish." Sean smiles gently at me. "I don't just like you. I love you, Luke."

Ok... world's fixed now. The earth reappeared, I've never felt more alive, and my heart grew three sizes that day.


A wide smile breaks out on my face, interrupting the tears that were still streaming down my cheeks. "R-really?"

"Of course, Luke. I mean, how could I not love you? You're way beyond smart, you're generous, loyal, kind, and so fucking sweet to me that it hurts. I love how you blush whenever I make fun of you. I love it that you laugh at all my jokes, even when they're not funny at all. I love that you deal with all my bullshit on a daily basis without complaint. And, most of all, I love you because you're my Rabbit."

I can't stop smiling. I swear I couldn't be happier than I am in this moment. "How long have you... felt this way?"

"I think I first realized that I liked you when you got jumped at my game. I swear, seeing you so bloody and hurt made me so fucking angry I could punch down a tree. It was the first time I realized just how important you are to me, and I promised myself I'd never let you get hurt. At first, I didn't say anything because I didn't know if you were gay. Even when Jackie told me, I was worried you wouldn't feel the same." His blue eyes sparkle with joy. "I swear, I will never forgive myself for not kissing you sooner."

"Sean I- You can't imagine how relieved I a-am right now. I've l-loved you for so f-freaking long it hurts. I f-feel like I'm in h-heaven but I'm terrified t-that I'll wake up..." Tears still stream down my face, but now they're tears of joy rather than sorrow.

Sean presses a long kiss against my forehead before whispering against it, "It's real. I love you so much, baby."

I sniffle and wipe my tears on my sleeve. "S-so, what now?"

Sean smirks. "Luke Harrison, would you do me the honor of allowing me to be your boyfriend?"

I don't respond with words. Instead, I break out into a new round of tears and slam our lips together again. I can't help myself. After four long years of torture, of watching this boy from afar, of sleepless nights where I'd imagine I was cuddling him and not my comforter, I could finally call him mine.

I could kiss his lips without fear of rejection. I could allow myself to be held in his arms without wondering if it was just an act of friendship. I could declare my love for him rather than whispering it when he wasn't looking.

I was finally his and he was finally mine.


Luke and Sean,

sittin' in a tree!


They're so fucking cute, I can't stand it!

Sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but I actually had to cut it in half because there was just too much. I'm still gonna release the second half tonight, just gimme like 10 Minutes.

Don't forget to like this chapter and leave comments, and I'll see you in 10 minutes!

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