Chapter 11

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A/N: You guys alright with some smut? Cause this chapter is gonna have some smut. Like I said before, magic orgy scene. Though I will disclaim that this is the first time I have ever written smut so please be constructive in your criticism. (Sorry to anyone I know in real life that may come across this.) 

 Geralt did not sleep after returning from the ghoul hunt, just meditated against the wall in Jaskier's room until the bard woke up and started interrogating him on the night before. Geralt did not want to talk about it. He saw a smudged handheld mirror on the top of the dresser and snuck a look at himself. His hair was messy again, he could never seem to get it to stay in that leather wrap, he had some dirt, ghoul goo and blood smeared on his face and neck but his skin was back to its regular color as well as his eyes. The Witcher swore under his breath thinking of how he just barged into the room Beth was staying in, Swallow still coursing through him. The way her eyes widened at the sight of him, he was sure she was terrified. Sometimes when he took those potions he too looked like a monster.

Geralt splashed his face with some cold water from a wash basin and dried it with a nearby rag he was sure would now need to be burned. He ran his fingers through his white hair and attempted to redo the tie keeping the front pieces out of his eyes. He wanted to look as normal as possible when Beth saw him again. Once he was satisfied with himself he left the room to join the others.

Instead of cowering away from him in fear like he expected, Beth just smiled at him from her spot at the kitchen table. She was eating from a bowl of fresh berries grown on the farm.

"Would you like some?" She asked, holding out a strawberry.
"Hmm" He answered, taking the strawberry from her and eating it whole, leaves and all.

"You were careful." She said, "And your eyes are back to normal, I was worried." She frowned at the last part. This surprised the Witcher, worried, not scared.

"Side effects of one of my Witcher potions." said Geralt. "Nothing to be concerned about."

Beth handed him another strawberry, the smell of the berries mixed with her sweet jasmine pleasantly. "Good." She popped a raspberry in her mouth, her lips stained dark red already. "I quite like your eyes the way they are." The way she said such things to him in such a casual manner was something he was still getting used to. It was a huge shift from hearing jeers and snide comments.

"Where is Edwin?" Geralt asked, "And Jask?"

Beth giggled at the bard's nickname. "Jaskier is tending to the horses and Edwin said he had some other morning chores to attend to. When he gave me these berries this morning he also left the money just in case. But I still think we should talk to him properly before we head out."

Geralt nodded in agreement. "I'll get us packed." He turned towards the rooms again but Beth's voice stopped him. "I already cleaned your armor and packed your bag back up." She told him, "I'm not a professional but it's better than it was." Geralt sent her a smile and the Witcher continued to the room to put said armor back on, strap up his swords and shoulder the pack. Sure enough his armor was much cleaner than before, at least rid of anything sticking to the surface of the leather and the backpack was neatly packed with the few things that had been scattered around the room the night before.

When Geralt returned to the kitchen with their things as well as Jaskier's, Beth was waiting for him. Once they were outside Geralt found the farmer easily, he was sitting on a wooden stool milking a dairy cow into a bucket.

"Witcher!" Edwin exclaimed. "Is it safe to see my love again?"

"The ghouls have been culled. No guarantee there will not be any more but you are safe for now. If the grounds are kept properly and the bodies properly buried then they should stay away." Geralt informed, as usual he was all business when it came to contracts.

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