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        The morning after that was slightly awkward, but only for Zuko it appeared. Rezalia hopped up and stretched, complained lightly about the sleeping position, and skipped off to her own room. What Zuko didn't see, was the way that Rezalia cringed to herself in the hall.

Shaking herself off, Rezalia changes into her red shorts, her red and gold skirt, her sandals, and her black t-shirt tied up just over her bellybutton. After a moment, she decides to leave her hair down and walks to the deck. Climbing up onto the rail, Rezalia does a few cartwheels.

"Careful, Rezalia," Iroh warns. Rezalia turns and grins at him. "We wouldn't want you to fall."

Rezalia laughs and does a backbend into a handstand before answering. "I'll be fine, Uncle Iroh. I've been doing things like this since......well since forever."

"I know, dear. But that doesn't stop me from worrying," Iroh says kindly. Rezalia flips back onto her feet and grins. Zuko walks onto the deck and awkwardly points to the door behind him.

"Uh......tea?" he says. Rezalia giggles and hops off the railing. Iroh joins her as they walk over to Zuko. The follow the prince into a room where they all sit. "I really don't get why you like this so much."

"Ahh! See, Prince Zuko, a moment of quiet is good for your mental well being."

"Yeah, Z. See, that's old guy talk for relax dumbass," Rezalia quips. Zuko scowls at her but before he can say anything the ship rocks violently. They all rush upstairs to see a woman sitting atop of a giant lizard. Rezalia takes a few steps forward to look closer at it. "Mole-lizard?"

The lady shouts out, swiping her hair through the air. "Get back! We're after a stowaway."

Zuko steps forward. "There are no stowaways on my ship!" he protests. Rezalia absentmindedly nods as she circles the mole-lizard. She hums as she examines it's flicking tail. Suddenly, said tail whips up and smashes into the deck and drags out a scrawny looking man.

"He's paralysed," Zuko says lowly. The lady leans over and picks the man up, setting him on the mole-lizard behind her.

"Only temporarily. The toxins'll wear off in about an hour. But by then he'll be in jail and I'll have my money."

Rezalia reaches out to touch the creature, but thinks better of it and walks back to Zuko. "How did you track him here?" she asks.

"My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away," the lady brags.

"So, not a mole-lizard," Rezalia mutters. Zuko gives her a slightly confused look but she waves him off.

"Very impressive," Iroh musses. Rezalia hums in agreement. Zuko ignored them both. The lady and her shirshu race off. Zuko protests, shouting after her but she doesn't seem to hear. That or she didn't care for what he had to say.

"We need to find her," Zuko tells them. Rezalia looks at him and tilts her head to the side.

"Huh? Why?"

"She broke my damn ship!"

"Oh yeah."


Zuko slams the doors to the bar open. There, in the corner a crowd gathered around a table. If Rezalia stood on her tiptoes, she could see that the bounty hunter they were looking for was in the middle of the circle. Zuko, the tall asshole, could see her just fine. Zuko shoves his way to the crowd while Rezalia simply gestured for those in her way to move. After seeing the way Zuko threw those in front of him, they moved pretty damn quick.

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