Scheming Against Schemers

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Harry insisted on walking me to my dorm, I also tried to give his jacket back but he insisted that I keep it until I'm at least warm. I went ahead and took his advice and took a warm shower though, just getting out of the soaking wet dress was enough to make me feel better. I purposely took a quick shower because I had to go talk to Ben as soon as possible. I got out of the shower and towel-dried my hair, then I dried myself off and walked into my room to get dressed. If you were wondering, I, like Ben, have my own dorm. Just royal safety stuff you know the drill.

I threw on a pair of black shorts and a black tank top, just because that's what I would normally hang out in and I was in a hurry so getting dolled up would be royally stupid right now. I looked in the mirror and decided I still looked way too bare to be walking around, Auradon Prep isn't the place to be looking like this anyway when you're out and about, but they were gonna have to suck it for now. I let my loose hair go and slipped on some white sneakers, I was already cold from all of this air conditioner air, you know that refrigerated air that just makes you ungodly cold? Yeah, that's everywhere in Auradon Prep. I looked over to my bed to see where I had laid Harry's red and black bomber jacket. I knew what I wanted to do and just decided to give in. I groaned at myself as I went over to the jacket and threw it on, it is really warm I will say. Not to mention it felt like a security blanket to me.

I marched out of my room and made a b-line to Ben's office where I'm almost completely sure he's at, but of course, I was in a rush. It would be too easy if I didn't get stopped by someone along the way. Chad strolled up to my side as I power walked,

"Hey Bri, what's up?"

"Not in the mood Chad"

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"Dressed like what?"

I said in the blandest tone I could manage,

"You just look very underdressed, especially for you. Also, I didn't know you were the one for... bomber jackets"

I groaned,

"It's not mine"

Chad, now panting some from attempting to keep up with my quick walking speed, continued to unwantedly question me for no good reason,

"Who's is it? And can you slow down?"

"It doesn't concern you and no"

"Wait a second, is that that Hook guys jacket? He was wearing earlier today, wasn't he?

"Congratulations, you're mildly observant. Yes it is and yes, now will you leave me alone?"

"I didn't know you were into guys like that"

He murmured,

"Guys like what?"

"Well guys like Hook, I mean he's a threat to us all. They all are. Audrey said it herself, you and Ben are too trusting"

I finally paused and stopped walking which caught him off guard, stumbling some at my quick halt,

"When did she say that?"

"Earlier today, before the tourney game"

Chad crossed his arms, probably thinking that I'm going to agree with him and his closed-minded crush. Yes, I know Chad has a major crush on Audrey, its madly obvious come on,

"Well, that's a blatantly stupid opinion. Out of all of them, I trust Harry the most, hell he saved my life a few minutes ago. There's nothing your tiny mind can say to me to change my mind, now leave me be I have important business to attend to"

I said with a hateful smile before turning on my heels and continuing on my way, leaving Chad in the dust this time. He may be an athlete, but he's quite the wimp I will say.

I got to Ben's office and gave the door a solid three knocks. I heard shuffling behind the door before the knob turned and Ben peaked out from behind it,

"Oh, Brielle! Come in!"

He said, his overly cheery attitude from being under the damn spell shining through,

"Hey Ben, I had an idea for you and thought I would pop by to share it. You know since with all the royal pressure we're getting right now the more face to face time we get the better"

Ben smiled brightly and leaned on the edge of his desk,

"That's a lovely thought! I agree, now what's your idea"

I smiled, trying to match his bright smile,

"I think you should ask Mal out on a date"

He took a second before getting giddy, just the mention of Mal was enough to hype him up,

"I thought about that, I just don't know where I would take her"

I did my best to hide my smirk, knowing damn well that I was scheming against the potential schemers in order to stay one step ahead,

"You should take her to the enchanted lake, I bet your swimming skills would impress her"

Ben thought for a few seconds before slowly nodding, by the way, there's no way he'd believe that unless he was spelled,

"You think so?"

I nodded once,

"I do think so, I mean the views out there alone should be enough to enamor her. There's nowhere even close to that pretty on the Isle, you have the chance to take her breath away"

I said as I walked a bit closer to Ben, hands held innocently behind my back,

"That's... the best idea I've ever heard. Brielle, you're a genius"

I smiled as he came up to me for a hug,

"Hey is this Harry's jacket?"

I took a second to think whether I should lie or not, I decided not to. He's in a love-struck state still so it shouldn't matter,

"Uhm yeah, I kinda visited the enchanted lake today in fact. Accidentally fell in"

I half fibbed. Ben immediately pulled away from me and held my shoulders, an overly concerned older brother vibe immediately snapping him out of the effects of the potion,

"Oh my god, are you alright?"

He said, sounding overly worried of course. I chuckled and nodded,

"I'm fine, turns out Harry had followed me out there. He thought I looked distressed so he wanted to make sure I was okay. Isn't that sweet? Anyway I fell in and he dove in and saved me actually, then gave me his jacket because I got cold"

Ben stood shocked for a second,

"Who would've thought... he's living proof that being in Auradon is doing good for these kids. Saving your life like that? They wouldn't have done that a few days ago no way. While it's scary to hear about your near-drowning experience it'll really help prove to mom and dad that we made the right choice"

I smiled and nodded,

"It sure will"

As long as they aren't secretly scheming against all of Auradon, which I have yet to fully prove nor disprove. 


Hiya! This one is a wee bit shorter but I started school again today (online of course) and I already know it's going to be a time-waster, so if updates slow a little I apologize however I'm all about quality over quantity and I'd rather put out good chapters with time than shitty ones made in a snap ya know? Remember to stay hydrated as always :D


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