Aphmau's troubles

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The Phoenix pack, with Aphmau:

Aphmau hastily finished making dinner for Balto and herself. It was just pork and rice due to their limited pack grounds and resources. She set out all of the condiments they might've needed and poured two glasses of milk.

Here comes the tricky part.

She walked quietly over to Balto. She was breathing heavily, her ears pinned to her head. She just couldn't stop shaking. Please please please don't get mad. She thought, her eyes scanning over him, then the table which was littered with trash and beer cans.

She leaned down and poked Balto softly, just enough to wake him.

"Balto...I made food. It's on the table." She whispered shakily. He drowsily stood up and stumbled over to the table, not looking at the female werewolf at all or saying a single thing. She couldn't tell whether she was relieved or scared.

"Well?" He questioned, his loud tone and piercing gaze giving her his full attention. She froze, not getting even one bite of food in her mouth. Unsurprisingly, she was scared of him. Scared of his capabilities, and there was no doubt about that. If or when he wanted to hurt me, he could. Aphmau had a wave of fear washed over her. She knew all she had to do was say what kept him content.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Fearing what he was gonna say or do next, she contained a gulp.

"You're supposed to ask how my day was." He sneered. She could see his aggression starting to rise. On the other hand, so was her anger. Well that would've been good to fucking know before you started yelling at me. Her moment of anger passed, a new feeling of fear keeping her still.

"Sorry, um. How was your day Balto?" Her voice came out as a mere whisper which didn't particularly help her case.

"IT WAS AWFUL!" He shouted, slamming his hands down on the table. Here we go again.

"What happened?" Aphmau asked hesitantly. One wrong word could set him off and she knew that.

"THAT INCOMPETENT FFALCON CLAW PACK IS TRYING TO GET MORE OF OUR LAND!!" Balto roared. The whole pack could probably hear him because of the volume his voice reached.

The female werewolf didn't reply this time. She wasn't sure how to respond without angering him. She just meeded to get him to pipe down.

"Balto, the rest of the pack is probably trying to sleep and.." Her voice cut of. It was stuck in her throat. She just couldn't continue her sentence.

He stood up and walked towards her. Aphmau cowered in fear, holding her hands up as a possibility of protection. She felt as though she was just proving her own point. She wasn't just scared of him, no. She was terrified of him. She was terrified for her life.

Balto picked her up by the collar of her shirt and slammed her against the wall almost effortlessly. She shrieked in pain, struggling to get down. Balto however, kept a painful grip on her.

"Don't you EVER talk back to me." He grunted in a low, pissed off voice. Out of all of the things that scared Aphmau about the man, his voice was not one of them. It sent chills up her spine but it wasn't chills of fear, just rage. However, every thought she had of her anger about the mistreatment turned into panic.

"I'm sorry! Please just...put me down.." Aphmau coughed out.

Tears formed in her eyes as she continued to struggle, attempting to release herself from his grasp. He dropped her and she hit the ground with a thud. She really had to take the time to wonder how she got in this situation in the first place.

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