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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

As usual, I navigated through the fog on the Bartolomeo Ship with the help of a Sea King. Law was next to me in a collared t shirt that was unbuttoned at the top to show off his tattoos. I had on my black coat given to me by Rayleigh and a white long sleeve shirt. The Vivre Card in Law's hand was inching towards the dark figure in the fog. We had to row into the island which soon turned out to be an elephant that was an island. It was slightly shocking. An elusive island that's always moving.

Law asked for some rations which pissed off Bartolomeo before he changed his wording to Luffy which made Bartolomeo immediately agree. I smiled at that as my hat moved slightly in the wind. Kanjuro mentioned how it had a tribe that hated people. Honestly, something about Kanjuro was throwing me off and it wasn't his appearance. It was his Devil Fruit I heard of from Kinemon. I knew Kinemon had a Devil Fruit too.

The thing that weirded me out about Kanjuro is... even if he wasn't good at drawing, wouldn't someone get better with practice unless they were purposely doing that. If a person tried to improve and thought they were bad at drawing then their mind would subconsciously try to change that yet Kanjuro didn't. It's like he was purposefully doing bad. I could tell but never pointed it out. I need more evidence, maybe he's traumatized. There has to be a reason.

I heard Law tell Luffy that the Mink tribe had been living on the back of the elephant for a thousand years. I had one problem. How the hell do I set up my boat? I decided I would leave the Sea Kings to take care of it until I saw the Thousand Sunny tied around the leg of Zou. The cries of joy from Bartolomeo's crew made me glare at them. There was no one on the ship though so that meant that they were on Zou. I went to my boat and tied my boat to the Thousand Sunny by running on water. Another useful skill I learned by myself.

Turning around, once I was done, I realised that I had been left behind. Those guys got caught up by getting up using the dragon that Kanjuro drew. My eyes went to the linework of the dragon and I noticed how smooth the lines were. If he was bad at drawing then he shouldn't have good inking skills. What the hell? Bartolomeo's crew cheered me up when they realised I was left behind so I thanked them before sighing when they left.

Gritting my teeth, I decided to run vertically up Zou. I made sure my sword and bag was secure before running up as quickly as I could before arriving at the top, panting slightly. Everyone except Zoro and Law were crying over the drawing that was turning back now while I was busy giving everyone a glare for being forgotten. I walked quickly past Law and Zoro with a pout. Those two quickly caught on.

"(M/N)... We didn't just forget you did we?" Zoro asked.

"Hmph! I'm angry now." I huffed

"...Oh shit, Luffy forgot to drag you along." Zoro cursed.

"Hmph... don't talk to me or I'll get mad." I huffed.

"... I'm sorry." Both of them apologised.

"Apology not accepted. I angry so fuck off." I pouted.

Walking ahead, I glared at everyone while Zoro and Law waited for me to calm down. The doors seemed as they were forced open previously by the markings on the ground. I looked over in surprise at how pretty the place was and immediately drew it while Luffy jumped somewhere else. My Haki sense a presence in the meantime so I informed the others that I was going to look around. Quickly, I dashed over to the cloaked figure and freaked her out. I think I just scare a poor bunny child to death on accident.

"Whoa! Sorry there! I didn't mean to kill you." I apologized

"A lesser mink caught me!" The bunny screamed

"What in the absolute fuck?" I questioned.

The bunny tried to attack me but I just disarmed her by knocking the wind out of her. There was another lady that was a mink who told the girl called Carrot they were being attacked. I let Carrot leap into the air to analyse the situation, saying they were too late before those two started leaving on the Crocodile. I headed back over to the group, my anger had fizzled out while Robin asked if we had any means of communication before she realised something and turned to me. Law told us that he had Bepo's Vivre Card and so did I.

"It's fine Tarao, we have a walking human compass. A great one too." She smiled, holding my shoulders.

"Guys, Bepo and Luffy are in the same location. Law, all your crew is alive and there too. They're in good health. Nami and Chopper are fine too. Those two are in the same room. Brooks on the island too."

"Good, let's get going."

I couldn't find Sanji on this island though which greatly confused me and worried me. We headed off to the location with Law talking a bit about Bepo being born here but being unable to remember anything. On the way, we noticed a large footprint similar to a large mammal and signs that the area had been attacked. I started running towards Luffy when a large amount of water came out of the volcano that could flood the area. I told him that Bepo and Luffy's paths were diverging with Luffy staying in the forest. I noticed a weird wood blocks put together in a X shape where there were shackles on the top.

"Law! Room time please!" I said.


Everyone was roomed onto a roof and I could spot Luffy being bitten by Carrot from below. Usopp freaked out through the binoculars while I just laughed saying it was probably Mink tradition. Once the tides went down since Zou had taken a bath, Law encased in the Room when we were near enough before using Shambles. We appeared behind Luffy and the two Minks on the crocodile. Everyone fell from slightly in the air but Law had me in one arm while everyone else thudded to the ground. I tried checking for Sanji on the island again but found he was way further away from the island and with familiar members of the Big Mom Pirates. I was slightly anxious.

"Thanks Law." I made sure to show my appreciation.

After a bit of banter with Usopp how they weren't cannibals, we left following them towards the area containing the rest of the Strawhats. I perked up when the lady said not to ring the Welcoming Bell. We entered and I saw Chopper as well as Nami. Nami's outfit was slightly scandalous and I'm sure that if I were to wear it then Rayleigh would have a heartattack but we were pirates and pirates do scandalous things so it was fine. Plus, she looked good and happy with herself so thats all that mattered.

"Nami... Why is Sanji missing?" I asked.

I don't know why but I was scared for the answer.

I just wanted Sanji to be safe.

A/N: Fun fact, I have (M/N)'s personal outfit for Wano made and I might show it hehehehe. This is what happens when an author also does art in their free time. Second fun fact, Carrot is going to think (M/N) is her mother cause why not? Also, I hope you can begin to see (M/N)'s fear of losing someone. He gets irrational just like with Ace and Law. Thanks for reading!

Also, Author san must be borderline weird for being able to update this story every day. I did this with my previous book too until I caught up to the manga. Thats...over 190k and more words on two books alone. Wow. Lowkey insane of me but I say it's helped improve my writing a lot. Hehe.


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