Chapter 25: Now or Never

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I pull my jacket tight around my shoulders

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I pull my jacket tight around my shoulders. The sun shines pale against my skin, and I watch my breaths form in the air. I make eye contact with the doorman again; he's been watching me stand across the street for fifteen minutes, unmoving. I don't know if he recognizes me from my last visit here, but he makes no move to acknowledge me.

I look away and slide my hands through my hair. Get it over with, Sage.

Before I hesitate or rethink my choice, I pull out my phone and dial Theo's number.

He answers a ring before the line disconnects, and when he speaks, I hear the cry of a child and pots and pans clanking. "What's up?"

"Hey." I take a deep breath. "I'm under your house. Do you mind coming down?"

"Wait, give me a second. Ari, give her the freaking toy, I'll buy you a new one!" Theo yells, the faintness of his voice making me suspect that he is holding the phone away from his mouth. He's back a second later, sounding troubled. "Sorry about that, what were you saying?"

"I'm sorry if this isn't a good time. It's just that this is really important," I say, anxiously playing with the red gem resting between my collarbones.

More shuffling and noise on the line before he speaks. "No, it's alright. Come upstairs, let's talk."


"Yeah, yeah. Just ask Caleb to ring you up, he knows you."

"Oh, okay," I say in surprise, then end the call.

The doorman watches me as I cross the street, making me feel self-conscious. I straighten my spine. How does he know me? Does Theo talk to him about me, or was that one encounter sufficient enough for him to remember me?

"Ms. Black," he says, smiling politely as he opens the door for me, "are you here to visit Theodore?"

"Yes, actually, could you . . ." I point to the elevators.

"Of course, of course. Follow me."

He leads me down the velvet, red carpet to the hallway lined with elevators, and pulls out a card from the pocket of his uniform before proceeding to swipe it against one of the digital boards.

"Thank you."

I step into the elevator, glimpsing his smiling face once more before the doors clamp shut. I jab my thumb on the fifty-two button and turn to the mirror behind me. My reflection is disheveled from the wind, and my cheeks are spotted with blood under the skin to warm them against the cold.

I'm patting down my frisky hair, tucking it behind an ear, when I realize just how much I care about my appearance around him. My palms collect sweat and I have to wipe them on my jeans. I'm in an elevator riding up to Theo's house that is filled with his younger siblings. What if his mother is also there? I'm wearing a simple, maroon, V-neck sweater and black jeans that are slightly overworn, evident in the frayed ends. This is fine, right?

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