Chapter 24

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I'm finally in my utilities after a good shower, and picking up the note pad that I've been using. Stepping outside of my quarters I run into Lahí-míahnah who is Jah-jahí's sister; she seems to be waiting for me. She's wearing the black uniform of theirs. Walking towards me she circles around studying me, giving a look of disapproval; she resembles Jah-jahní, but there are differences in her compared Jah-jahní. "So, you are the human Captain of that ship in our space dock?" She says arrogantly.

I nod. "Yes, that is correct." She comes close to me inspecting, even sniffing me, which I find irritating. "Princess, is there something I can do for you?" I ask expressing my annoyance.

She looks at me intently and she backs off smiling a bit. "You don't smell of fear." Now I'm confused at her remark. "I'm sorry," She bows. "But, I'm certain you've herd that Fonahn-tehmahun is here, and he has heard the rumors about you and Jah-jahní." Oh, I see why she was acting strangely. "He has sworn to take your head at the most convenient moment." She looks at me again, only more carefully. "You have kind but sad eyes, I can see why my sister is in love with you."

I smile at her looking at my watch. "Princess, it was a pleasure to meet you today unfortunately duty calls me else where." I incline my head and start heading out, to inspect the new building that will hopefully serve as our Embassy. However, the Princess starts to follow me. This was going to be a good day, though now I'm not so sure about that. I see the Gunny directing the equipment that was brought down from the Helios out in the large landing pad on the side of the palace.

He looks in my direction and then he spots Lahí, and the annoyed look on my face. He smile broadly. I'm sure this must be amusing to him, as my unwanted follower stays near me. "Morning Gunny, what's the sitrep." I ask and Lahí seems to be hanging on every word.

"What is this sitrep?" I look at her and just roll my eyes.

"That's short for situation report." Answers the Gunny smiling Kindly to her, which she returns. "Well sir the initial gear is hear, but we have a problem with shuttle two. Which means it will take longer to get things planet side." this is not the start of a smooth operation, not at all.

"How long till it's up and running?" This'll put a hamper on things, and make us look bad in front of our new friends. Lahí just stays near without disturbing the work, and I appreciate that.

"It seems you have a new fan there Captain." He chuckles to himself. Just a regular comedian. Turning I see a rather imposing Majah-tu male walking in our direction, this has to be what's his face Fona - something or other. He closes in and I move a bit to the side and he come right into my face and I drop my note pad. It becomes a staring contest, as he is trying to assess who is his rival.

"I assume you are this Great Captain I've heard about, since even before coming home." His eyes are yellow almost like blazing suns, but I'm not backing down. Just then four Marines aim their plas rifles at him. He takes the situation in and backs off knowing that here he's out numbered and out gunned, even so he looks at me like I'm some piece of meat. "I challenge you Captain to a battle to find out who is worthy of Jah-jahní!" I grind my teeth thanking God that Mandy is at the Embassy building and Jah-jahní is busy with issues of state. this could also be a ploy intended for me to accept the challenge, and get me killed or get him killed. I feel like I'm being played and so is he.

"I'm not one of your people and we are here to set up an alliance between us, so I will not accept this dual." I respond. Stepping forward the Gunny pulls me back positioning himself between the two of us.

"Well you heard the man, He's not interested in your traditions so please get going." The Majah-tu moves fast knocking the Gunny down and he reaches for me, but I turn into the attack striking him in the throat then instantly throwing him over my shoulder, as I follow up with an arm lock. Damn! This guy is strong! I have no doubt if he had grabbed me he would've broken my neck! Now I thank my father for all those years Jujitsu he taught me! The other Marines move in and quickly and zip tie him. He screams in his language what I can only assume are curses, but he is now restrained. The Gunny is on his feet quickly sitting on the Majah-tu's hip effectively pinning him to the ground. The gunny looks at me with a sheepish grin, but I pat his shoulder. "Sorry Skipper." I nod.

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