Jake Peralta; Captive.

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(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
Your POV

            I sighed, staring at the clock on the wall. I frowned, seeing it was only 7:32 a.m. I leaned back in my office chair, raising my legs and placing my feet on my office desk. I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable before I finally found the perfect spot. I smiled, closing my eyes and began to drift to sleep.

However, that was interrupted of course by Captain Holt yelling for me. I groaned upon hearing his voice and grudgingly got up from my desk. I dusted myself off some, though I had no dirt on me. I straightened my hair, making myself look presentable before walking over to the office. I knocked a few times, waiting for permission to come in which was granted almost immediately. I then walked in, looking around and looked at Holt. I saw Rosa standing near the door, looking unamused. She glanced at me and gave a small wave.

"Good morning, Captain Holt!" I began to say, only to be interrupted for the second time this morning.

"Detective (L/N), you've been assigned a drug bust with Diaz," He replied calmly, glancing between me and Rosa. He had his hands intertwined, placed on his desk in a professional manner. He looks just as intimidating as ever.

I frowned slightly. It's not that I didn't like Rosa, but I had plans with Jake today. We had a stakeout, well in my eyes it was a hangout, but it still was plans. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"But Captain! I had plans to do a stakeout with Peralta today for the homicide case!" I protested, Rosa giving me a side glance as a warning. Holt hadn't been in the best mood lately, and we all knew that. I immediately regretted saying anything, eyes wide as Holt stood up from his desk.

"Detective (L/N), are you refusing to follow my orders?" He raised an eyebrow, arms now crossed. I immediately shook my head no.

"Well, Captain, we better be going," Rosa calmly interfered, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the office. Silence followed us like a plague, only fading out when we reached the elevator to go down. It was there that Jake broke the silence, as we had bumped into him, while leaving.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Are you ready to hang out later?" He smiled, raising his hand, asking for a high-five. I simply smiled sadly and looked at Rosa. "Sorry, Jake, but Holt has assigned us as partners on a drug bust," She explained, seemingly no sympathy in her voice. She looked unbothered as usual. I looked back at Jake, watching his face drop.

"Oh, well, maybe another time. Have fun!" Jake smiled, a twinge of sadness in it, but it faded almost as soon as it was visible. I wanted to stay and talk to him, but Rosa dragged me into the elevator before I had a chance to. The trip down wasn't that eventful. It consisted of simple work talk, not much else.

            The elevator stopped, and we got out. We headed to the car, making small talk along the way. I sighed once we reached the car. It looked like a normal car, and that was the point. It was made for cases like this one. I tried to get into the drivers seat, only to be stopped by Rosa.

            "I'm driving," She pushed me away from the door, opening it and getting in. I groaned in annoyance, but knew I couldn't convince her otherwise. I walked around to my side, climbing in. I put my seatbelt on. I hadn't even closed my door when Rosa began driving off. I screamed and closed it, while Rosa only cracked a slight smile of amusement.

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