Little shit

36 0 22

The crying was endless. Literally endless.

Jimin never thought he'd hurt this much, he never knew he could. He cried when eating, talking, pooping, walking, and even sleeping. That may be a bit too much information but trust me, the stakes were high. Very high. 

"If I have to see that hysterical blue hair one more time I'm gonna explode," Jin muttered as he sipped his ceama shake, the equivalent to alien coffee. 

Jungkook shrugged lamely at Jin, the elder complaining after seeing Jimin for the first time that week, only for the Unian to run away crying. After six days of nonstop weeping, Jin would certainly be fed up. "Isn't it normal for you to cry after a breakup?" The bunny's voice peppered as he sat down by the table, ready to chow down on some jungle fruit.

"Well yeah," Jin snarked, "but they were never dating."

Jungkook hummed in acknowledgment as he focused on the ship's sliding door. It bellowed open, allowing a sleepy Yoongi to waltz in with an even sleepier Pini in his arms. The pink fluff of fur snuggled fully into the bend of Yoongi's arm as his other two supported its bottom.

Yoongi looked seemingly miserable as well. The dark circles and messy hair, slouching figure, and groggily voice. Yoongi typically spent his days alone in his room with his space pet rather than with the rest of the crew as the cruise to Earth in no way of a rush. 

"Geez, you look like shit."

Yoongi's droopy eyes slowly maneuvered to Jin before dropping back down to his feet. Yoongi had lost his spunk. 

He sauntered over towards the ceama dispenser, dragging his cat slippers -- that Jimin bought him months ago -- against the cold steel floor. "Mornin'," he muttered, completely dropping the last consonant in pure laziness. 

Jin scowled as yoongi placed the sleeping pink alien on the kitchen counter, tapping into some few buttons on the ceama maker in order to get himself the expresso he desired. "You know," Jin verbalized, "its bedtime, so good morning isn't really valid."

Yoongi shot Jin a glare before gazing back at the machine. "Did I fucking ask?" He enunciated blandly, his voice nearly breaking at the weak volume. "Plus, we're in space, there is no night and day." 

Jin could barely hear the mumbled tone Yoongi took, it was aggravating yet saddening at the same time, which was crazy to think about. "But Namjoon still initiated a daily cycle so-"

"I couldn't care less." 

He soon grabbed his mug, tapping Pini's bottom in preparation to leave. "Up," he muttered, the highly intelligent alien tossing up from its sleep and hopping from the countertop. "Goodnight, enjoy your ceama."

"Uh, thanks?" Now, this was frightening. Jin had never gotten any sort of greeting or departing words from the younger, but here he was, listen to Yoongi wish him a 'goodnight'. Yoongi was definitely malfunctioning, or at least that's what Jin thought.

Yoongi began to hobble out the kitchen-dining area before giving Jungkook a quick glance. "Goodnight, Jungkook." 

"B-bye, sleep well!" Jungkook panicked.

Yoongi smiled softly, his lips picking up ever so slightly just to disperse. He turned away toward the door, it sliding open to reveal Hoseok, "mornin'," Yoongi managed to get out before shuffling past the shocked younger. 

"Woah," Hoseok spoke as he watched Yoongi's body disappear behind the corner of the hall. "He's really going through it." 

"Tell me about it," Jin rolled his eyes, sipping his smoothly thick drink.

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