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His head snapped up when the large oak door swung open and two figures walked in. The height difference between to two women was quite comical, his sister being a whole head taller than Toph, but he knew not to underestimate them. He'd made that mistake once and he sure as hell wouldn't make it again. Both were powerful women, their bending unmatched by anyone and he respected them both greatly, and - not that he was going to admit it to anyone - was slightly scared of them both. 

They strode in and Sokka realised that Toph had mud and leaves caking the bottom of her dress and dirt all over her hands. Where had she been all day? he wondered as she took a seat at the head of the table, two seats away from him. Casually, she put her feet up on the table and put her hands behind her head, completely unaware of what was going on. A few confused looks went around the room from the generals. 

"So whats up?" she asked in her high sweet voice of hers. It was like a sailors melody, lilting and calm, like a pristine ocean. He could almost hear the soft sound of the sea behind the rock solid defences Toph would put up so make her sound intimidating. 

Slowly Aang stood up, his expression grave, "Azula has escaped from her prison." he said. His voice had gotten lower these past 5 years, he no longer had the annoying high pitched squeak he'd had when they'd first met. It was amazing, how grown up they all were, despite the fact that the war had ended less than a decade ago. However, when he looked at all his friends he still saw the young kids they were when they ended the 100 year war. 

"WHAT?" Toph yelled, jumping from her seat, "How the hell did she do that?" Sokka suppressed a small laugh. Typical Toph to use the slang of the younger generation, she was the youngest in the room but sometimes he forgot about that, she was so strong and brave. 

Aang continued, "We don't know, word only got round to us this morning but from the state I saw of her prison when I went to see it with Appa and Sokka, it looked like she had been gone awhile."

"The whole place was blown apart and stuck in giant shards of ice, it was weird." Sokka remembered the state the whole place was in. It was quite amazing really, that two people could cause that much destruction to one place. Not a single brick had been left whole and standing. 

"Why did nobody tell me!" Toph cried, looking very upset. 

"We had no idea where you were Toph, you've been gone all day!" Aang replied. Again Sokka found himself wondering where she had been. Probably practising her earth bending, it would explain all the mud and dirt on her dress.

"Oh yeah, right sorry," Toph looked slightly sheepish, "Sokka, what did you mean about the prison being stuck in giant shards of ice? Surely Azula can't waterbend too." 

One of the generals spoke up, "We have reason to believe that she was helped by a water bender, a very powerful one as well." 

Yeah no kidding, Sokka thought, this person basically took down one of the most secure prisons in the entire world single handedly. This was more than just a powerful bender.

"Well then we gotta find them, who knows what they'll do together if they get away." she said forcefully.

"We've got a search team out there looking for them right now, its all being taken care of -." Aang said before he was interrupted by Toph.

"No I mean we've got to go, us five," Sokka stared at Toph, was she saying that the Gaang should get back together on another world changing trip. He couldn't deny it, 5 long years of nothing was starting to get a bit boring, he could do with some action. Plus, they hadn't really seen each other in a long time, it would be a good way to catch up, 

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