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The air around the field of Domicile of Racers gave me a nostalgic feeling in the form of inviting goosebumps and unending joy. I would be lying if I say that I didn't miss this, my home. The air was crisp with a tinge of excitement and nervousness, the usual. 

I was leaning against my bike recalling Mr. Heath's words, the most cunning contractor and an experienced dealer of DOR. And what I have heard of him, he was known to dig his way out from the hell if needed. It was my first time with him. He invited me to race in the leverage of sixty percent of the total amount collected. I agreed in lieu of sixty-five percent and I was satisfied after all I would be racing and he would be just munching on a bar while watching me.

But today's race was different in many ways. Firstly, because I was going to race against Damien Russell only. This had never happened before, at least not with me. And I was kinda nervous, I have to admit. I had a strong urge to deny but again my self-respect was speaking volumes.

Secondly, because there were just a few people which consisted of the authorities, contractors and Damien's friends plus the competitors that were us. It was gravely weird, giving me bad vibes and making my heart sink with uncertainty. I was out of a plan. And it worried me a lot. If I died, the words would be buried here without a second thought.

I heard a whistle from the right side and I had to turn around to find the source of this roadside low life behavior. I wasn't even surprised when it was one of Damien's friends, teasing gazes and flirty winks. Rolling my eyes, I turned away.  

The air was silent and chilly and my ears perked up when they heard the rumbling of footsteps against the rough concrete. This was the thing with racing, all your senses had to be in their best of the abilities to grasp the skidding of tires against the gravel road or to spot your enemy. The sound was becoming more distinct and I waited patiently not giving up on my guards.

"Long time no see beautiful," he purred behind me in the throaty voice of his which unknowingly sent shivers down my spine. His ample breath was ruffling my strands and I pulled myself up from the bike. Tuning around with my hands locked in front of my chest, I gave him an irritated look. 

"What?" I vocalized with my confidence on the point. His lip turned up into a lopsided menacing grin. He had a sparkling golden canine, I noticed. 

"Looks like you missed me," I scoffed with a taunt and he didn't let his act down too. He looked prepared.

"Or did you miss losing to me?" I further pushed when he looked up and down over my body. His gaze was filthy and I knew exactly how to deal with it after all he wasn't the only guy. I kept my expression stoic.

As soon as he registered what I said, his facial expressions dropped and I took an encouraging step, I provoked him more.

"You must have missed cheating no? The way you did with me in my last race?" I said in a voice which made him think deep before a grin spread on his bearded face . 

"You mean when you were not able to handle a mere over-attack?" His voice was teasing with a dangerous edge. His eyes glinted under the headlights.

"No, I mean you are breaking rules for which your license could have been seized," I stated sharply, warning evident in my voice. I knew illegal acts as such happened here but I was hoping he'd give up.

"Oh baby girl, this is an illegal racing club for a purpose. No rules apply here. Those rules are just meant to be kept on a useless sheet of paper," he said the last part in a whisper voice by leaning towards me. His eyes rolling around the surrounding just in case someone might have overheard it.  

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