The Night Run

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It was dark, and the full moon was high up in the sky. It's light shining down on the city and forest. The forest looked so peaceful at night. Or that's what the humans thought anyway. But what they didn't know was that at night, the forest was the most dangers place in the whole of station square.

It's a beast that comes out when it's dark and eats anything insight. Humans have no chance of getting away and no chance of survival. It all started when a family went missing in the forest. After they went in, they never came out. People went looking for them but they just couldn't find them. From then on no one went near the forest.

The forest was right at the end of the city and no one lived near it, no one except for Sonic and his friends. Tails, Knuckles and Shadow. They lived right in front of it. Sonic knew about the missing family and tried to find them every day or whats left of them anyway.

At one point he was thinking of giving up. But then he thought about maybe trying to find something at night. Cause maybe that's when the things really start to get interesting. Sonic thought about it for a while and then decide to try at night. He didn't tell his friends what he was going to do because he knew they would try to stop him. But what Sonic didn't know was that he was about to do the most stupid thing he had ever done.

He waited till everyone was in bed, then rushed state into the forest. He went fever then he had before. He was near the end of the forest when he stopped. Sonic still couldn't find anything though, but he carried on anyway. When he had his back turned something went whooshing by him. Sonic turned around to see nothing. He looked right round but still nothing.

But then out a bush jumped a huge creature with red eyes and sharp claws. It was standing on all fours and then jumped straight onto Sonic, making him full to the ground. He tried to get up, but the creature was holding him down. Before Sonic could do anything the creature bent his head and bit into Sonic's stomach. Sonic yelled out in pain.

"Is this the end, sorry I never sayed good bye guys" Sonic said while closing his eyes to get ready for the impact. The wolf like creature was about to do it again when a a black hedgehog rushed in and punched the creature right in the face making it fall to the ground and letting go of Sonic.

Sonic looked up weakly and saw Shadow running up to him. Then he saw the creature running up to them. But before it got to them, Shadow grabbed his gun and shot the beast in the arm. It howled out in pain, before trying to run away with a sore arm. When it was out of site, Shadow walked over to Sonic and helped him to his feet.

Sonic couldn't walk because of how much blood he was losing. So Shadow put Sonic's arm around his neck and helped him stand up right.

"That's a lot of blood" said Shadow looking at the huge wound in Sonic's stomach. "We better get home as quickly as possible." The black hedgehog grabbed a green emerald out of his quills and chaos controlled them out of there.

Back at the mansion, Tails and Knuckles were up waiting for Shadow and Sonic to come back. They knew Sonic would try and do something stupide, so they pretend to be asleep and when Sonic was gone they got up and asked Shadow to follow him. So now they were waiting for their friends return.

Then when Shadow walked through the door with a nearly out cold Sonic, Tails medially ran to the first aid kit. While he was doing that Knuckles helped Shadow put Sonic onto the sofa.

"What happened to him?" Knuckles asked.

"He got attacked by some kind of beast" Shadow said angrily.

Before Knuckles could say anything else, Tails came running back into the living room with a box.

He opened it and got out some wipes and cleaned Sonic's wound from all the blood. It still carried on though, so quickly Tails bandaged up Sonic's bite so it would stop the blood from pouring everywhere.

"Th-thanks Tails" said a small voice coming from Sonic.

"No problem Sonic" said a relived Tails.

"And thanks Shadow."

Shadow just smiled. "Don't mention it faker."

After watching a bit of TV and having dinner, Sonic and the others went to bed. Sonic still had trouble walking so Tails helped him.

To be Continued

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