Day 33-40: Propheus

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When Phropheus went to the training ground for his usual morning training, his teacher came to him.

"I thought of you becomong a foot soldier. If you trully wish to then here. take this and go to the guard barracks see the captain."
"I will sir"

Phropheus went to the baracks and found the captain, a man with a large belly and handed the note he was given.

"Ah, yes. i was told you would come. So you wish to become a foot soldier... Come here, let me see the result of your training."

The man patted his belly, arms and legs, nodding when he felt the firm muscles underneath the clothes.

"Yes, yes. You are good material. What about the sword, can you hold a sword? Show me."

Using the sword the fat man gave him, he executed several strikes that hit empty air.

"Hum... It will do for now. Very well, you are now a foot soldier. Congratulation."

[You have obtained access to the Class Optimisation Training of Foot-Soldier.
Do you accept?]
Requirements: [Light Armor], [Short Sword Mastery], [Speed 5], [Agility 5], [Strength 10]
Duties: guards the city, takes place in cleansing expeditions
Branch offs: Swordman, Archer, CrossBower, Pikeman, Axeman, Siege-Worker
Weapon: Short Sword
Armor: Haubert, Chain Mail Tunic and Trousers, Last City's Guard Garbs, Large Leather Belt, Leather Boots]

"I accept to train for the job of a Foot Soldier"
"Gooood! Take this and that and go back to your teacher. He will do the rest."

The man handed Propheus a heavy wollen bag and a sword before shooing him out.
Outside of the barracks Propheus oppened the bag and looked into it. it contained the chail mail armor, garb and helmet of a foot soldier. He couldn't see it but it probably had the belt in it too. He ran back to his teacher after putting them on for try.

"I see that you are ready to start your new training. Very well. For today do the usual morning run and exercices. When you're done stand in a patch of sun until i come and get you."

Since his current attire was much heavier than the usual coton tunic, propheus had trouble ballancing the chain mail, bags and balls as he ran and exercised. He finished much later than he was used to. After that he did as his teacher told him and stood up in the middle of the field in the sun. He was soon joined by three other people in the same uniform as him.

At first it was aquard as others looked at them and their new outfit with curiosity but Propheus got used to it. Then came the boredome. And the heat of the mid-day sun. He was boiling inside of the tunic and trousers. His hell was further emphasised by his fellow players that were currently eating and drinking together at the wpoden tables right in front of him.

It was only when they were done that his teacher authorised him to take a break. He immediatky went for a water tank and ate whatever he could find to calm his growling stomack.

"This was your firt time standing guard right? You did good. Guards don't have an easy life, remember that when you see one durring a hot day and complain."
"Yes sir!"
"Now this afternoon you will train your sword again."

He did so and finished rhe day drenshed in sweat. He was about to leave for the river whan his teacher came to him.

"Chainmail and copper gear requires regular maintenance. here, go in the shade and take care of it."

A water bucket and a rough sponge in hand, Propheus sat down strengthless and started washing his uniform. When he was done, the sun was low in the sky and the air had cooled. Having had time to rest, Propheus had recovered.

The next few days were the same. Run, exercices, stand Guard, rest, train the sword and maintain the uniform.

Over and over again he repeated the hellish day.

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