3. A Game of Tag that went a little Wild

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 I stared at the door that Fury went out of. What. The. Fuck. I have other better things to do than going on a wild goose chase with a kid. I could've played around with my suit, or be with Pepper on a date or something. Now I'm supposed to WHAT?! dammit.

 "So, we have a lot to discuss, team," Capsicle spoke out into the awkward silence. "We.... have to get this kid, capture him, and chuck him in a cell, right?" I asked. "Well, this won't be hard. I mean he is a kid and all. Besides, I have to wrap this up and go to my lab." I heard a cough. It was Thor, wearing a pained expression right outside the door.

 "Something wrong dude?" I called over. He began shaking his head. He mumbled something. Clint put up a hand to his ear, saying "what?" being a person with jokes and all.

 "We will not be able to capture him." I blinked. "I mean he is a kid, isn't he?" 

"Why do you think that?" Nat voiced the same question I was having. Thor looked troubled. "He has gone through, and seen too much. He has much more experience than any of us have. He has been...urrr... fighting to live. He is considered a miracle in Asgard, But he has faced as much pain as he has faced victory. He is already in danger, we must not endanger him more."

 I stared at him. "Uhhh, Do you know this kid?" He sighed. "I do. And if you still want to go get him, consider me out." He, too, then walked out of the room. Bruce blinked. "What just happened?" really Bruce, I have no idea.

-Time Skip-

 Few hours after some hard work, I found a pattern. Of that kid. He went out to look into the sea with some blondie every Sundays. I did not want to work on a Sunday, But frankly I was being  watched by everyone, so I wasn't able to hide the security records. Looks like we are going to the beach this weekend. Which won't be fun at all.



 It's been some time since the war, and I still had nightmares about Tartarus. Since me and Annabeth both have nightmares, we share a room, which is better than using one alone. But I still think of all those losses..... the sacrifices and deaths...... and just to clear my mind, I have a little date with Annabeth on Sundays, to the sea. We just watch the sea lapping at the sand for hours. And It's wonderful. A real break. Rin goes to the Sea often with Zeke, and if it does come to it, I guess I'll have to ship Rineke. Zeke is a son of Zeus, but he's a good kid like Thalia and Jason. I look into the depths of the water, Annabeth sitting beside me. It feels good to be in my realm. Where my Dad and Tyson is.....

  I sense something, and tense. Annabeth's gone stiff, she must've sensed it too. I turn to smile at Annabeth and whisper in a low voice. "What do you think it is?" She whispers back. "not sure if it's a monster, but you should get out your pen, seaweed brain." I do, and we begin to stand up and walk trying to look like going home. 

 Something, or somethings, whistle through the air. I jump up and catch two arrows. tranquilizers, considering the density of the liquid. I shout at Annabeth. "Run!" 

 We run across the beach, but I'm intercepted by some big patriotic plate. I turned to see who threw it as I grabbed the thing, and saw a (surprise, surprise) very patriotic looking man gapping at me. 

 Another man Came out of the trees and started shooting multiple arrows which we all dodged. Then, I ran up to him. It seemed that he had not expected me to come at him or very much steal the bow and arrows off of the dude and throw it into the water.

 I throw a lopsided grin and continue to run with the shield. Heck, I won't give him back his plate until the last minute! I run after Annabeth who is met by a flame headed woman. She dodges the woman's swing and holds a metal pipe that she must've picked up earlier. The Woman looks surprised but quickly regains composure and strike at Annabeth's head with her hand. Annabeth catches the hand, and judo flips the woman onto the sand.

 She faints as soon as I press the 'out' button behind her ear as she tries to get up. I start running up to Annabeth yelling "Nice, Wise girl!" She smirks and says something like "You too," When I hear a engine thingie gear up. I hear a lot of noises in Leo's room to know that this was some kind of machinery. I look up and see a yellow red robot aiming light at us.

 Seemed pretty, But won't be good for survival. I start handling his lights with the shield, But it was a little hard to move with it. Well, Sayonara plate! I threw the plate to the robot's chest. I think it hit some vital point because it began tumbling into the ocean. Well, Sayonara to you, too, Redgold. Oh, I was going to get Annabeth a Redgold ring with a very pretty heart shaped right at the bo-STOP!!! I try concentrating on running away. I look over my shoulder and see 4 people running- or trying to run, because robot didn't have an engine to fly with this time. Weird thing is, I swear I sensed 5 of them. I look over at Annabeth and she has a confused look as well. That's when we hear a roar echo on the coast.

 What is that thing??????? It was green, it was big, and it was coming right towards us on the opposite side. Holy Hephaestus,  we were being surrounded! The green thing pounced right on us. I knew I should not use my strength, which was a pity because I could've drowned the guy, but man, we had to stick to running and fighting for our lives.  Green Dude tried punching me and Annabeth. 

 Annabeth poked at me and I looked over. Her grey eyes stared expectantly at mine. I nodded knowing what to do. At the last minute, I rolled to one side, Annabeth to the other. Green Dude didn't seem to have a brain, which was a lot like the Minotaur. We kept on running as Green Dude didn't seem to understand how we disappeared and looked around in confusion. I laughed at that,  and charged on. When we were a little out of the radar, we slipped into the trees, and hurriedly went back home.

Ummmm? welll? Do i have any misspellings or info missed out?  If I do, tell me okay? 

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