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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"So Sanji's father consider Sanji useless..." Nami muttered.

"Yeah, I'm not going to tell you why. Talking about personal information when the person isn't around feels intrusive." I stated.

After that, Pekoms took over saying that if Sanji refused then a head of someone close would be found in the gift box. The marriage would mean that Sanji left the crew which Luffy didn't want. I told Luffy to bring me with Pekoms to see Sanji which Carrot called interesting. We left the hut and I noticed Zoro chilling outside. Luffy asked Zoro if he was worried and Zoro replied saying not to have him kick Luffy's ass. He told us to leave the idiot alone. Luffy left to see Nekomamushi since he hadn't yet and I was going to follow but Zoro grabbed onto my wrist.

"(M/N)... You sure you want to go?" Zoro asked concerned.

"Of course! Sanji is special to me just like you are! We don't leave anyone behind on this crew."

"I had a feeling you'd say that. You worry even me sometimes with your stubbornness. What if they capture you though? You'll be forced into a marriage..." Zoro was really concerned.

"Zoro... I want to try. I've known Sanji the longest and I don't want to lose someone else."

"... Be safe." Zoro mumbled with a red tint.

"I will! I know, why don't we spar a but before I leave even though you get quite sexual... So I guess no." I muttered

"I do not!" Zoro protested with a red face.

"Yes you do! You always lick your clean sword and say sexual innuendos with me!" I teased.

"Maybe because I want something more than just a swordfight."

"Fine, if I come back then we can try do something more than just a swordfight. What do you have in mind?"

"I'll tell you later."

I let my wrist linger in Zoro's hold before I pulled away with a red tint. I went over to Law's crew as he introduced them to Luffy.. rather badly. Just saying he has twenty members which made all of his crew boo. I spotted Bepo and I couldn't contain it so I ran to him and hugged him as we crashed into the floor. Shachi and Penguin snickering at me asking if everyone was in good health.  I yelled at the two not to call me a mom before I went back to cuddling Bepo. He cuddled me too and picked me up, swinging me around in his hug since he was super happy.

Law told Luffy how dangerous it was now that Sanji went to Big Mom since Kaido was already after us. Bepo just cuddled me closer as did I. We had to leave Zou soon since we didn't want the place to get attacked. Nekomamushi ordered everyone to party afterwards but since I was one of the older ones along with Robin, Brook and Franky, we didn't to keep watch. I guarded the other side of Zou. It turned to night quickly with Chopper treating my wounds. He left afterwards while I drew. I laid on Bepo's fluffy belly the whole time.

"I know you're there Law. I have Observation Haki." I said.

"Here I thought, I could scare you." Law smirked

"Too bad. Is Bepo asleep?"

"Yeah. You can't have him right now. He's my cuddle buddy since it's cold."

"... Fine."

Smirking, I showed off by cuddling into Bepo infront of Law. Law glared at me while I stuck out my tongue like the teasing person I was. I ended up falling asleep there with Law joining, next to me. We cuddle into Bepo that night. The next morning, I woke up to bells and so I quickly left the cute scene of Bepo and Law cuddling to find the two dukes bowing to Kinemon, Momonosuke and Kanjuro that Raizo was safe. They would never out a friend to an enemy. After the two dukes bickered, it was revealed Momonosuke was the son of Kozuki Oden which seemed strangely familiar. I tuned out most of the conversation while laughing about Momonosuke being a deviant for cuddling Nami's chest until she reversed it by saying he must have had a lot of treasure.

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